[liberationtech] 2012 Africa Workshop: Call for Applications

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Thu Mar 1 13:13:18 PST 2012

It is with great pleasure that I write to inform you of an upcoming
workshop, jointly convened by the American Political Science Association
(APSA) and the University of Botswana. APSA is accepting applications for
participation through March 30, 2012 and would appreciate your help in
sharing news of this opportunity. Up to 22 Africa-based scholars will be
selected, as well as four advanced PhD students from US-based universities.

The 2012 Africa Workshop, entitled “Local Communities and the State in
Africa” will be held from July 15 to 27 at the University of Botswana in
Gaborone and includes a special focus on field research methods. Led by a
joint team of US and African faculty, this event is a unique professional
opportunity for early-to-mid career scholars with an interest in social
science research.

The 2012 workshop is the fifth in APSA’s annual Africa Workshop program;
previous workshops have been held in Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, and Tanzania.
By bringing together up to 22 Africa-based scholars, as well as four
advanced PhD students from US-based universities, the program aims to
enhance the capacities of political scientists in Africa and build lasting
networks between African scholars and their colleagues in the United
States. While the event primarily caters to political scientists, it is
also open to scholars from any social science discipline with research
relevant to the workshop theme. Since 2008, approximately 100 African and
US-based scholars have participated in the workshop series. APSA, with
support from the Mellon Foundation, covers all costs associated with

Participants at this year’s workshop will explore a series of interrelated
theoretical and methodological themes related to the study of African
states and sub-national actors. The primary goal of the workshop is to
support participants in publishing their research.

Program information, eligibility requirements, and a link to the online
2012 Application Form can be found on the APSA Africa Workshop
*The application deadline is March 30, 2012. *

As chair of an APSA organized section, please feel free to forward this
information and share news of this opportunity with your members as
appropriate. APSA is continuously seeking to attract promising scholars to
the Workshops. We would particularly like to increase the number of
applications submitted by women who are based in Africa.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact
africaworkshops at apsanet.org. To download a PDF version of the call for
applications, click


Dr. Elizabeth H. Super
APSA Fellow and Associate Director for International Programs
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