[liberationtech] Fwd: FW: Message from Assistant Secretary Ann Stock: TechWomen Application!

Lina Srivastava lina at linasrivastava.com
Thu Mar 1 13:02:10 PST 2012

Hello all,

I'm not sure if this has already been posted to this list. but please take
a look below:

Best, Lina

*From:* Eisenman, Ashley C [mailto:EisenmanAC at state.gov] *On Behalf Of *ECA
Front Office Notices
*Sent:* Thursday, March 01, 2012 3:13 PM
*Subject:* Message from Assistant Secretary Ann Stock: TechWomen

** **

Today, the U.S. Department of State today announced that
“TechWomen”<http://www.techwomen.org>our cutting-edge mentoring
program is now accepting applications from
American women in the technology sector to serve as professional and
cultural mentors.  Candidates may apply at
http://www.techwomen.org/get-involved/ beginning today.****

** **

TechWomen is an international exchange that fuses technology and mentoring
as a means to empower women and girls worldwide.  Launched last year by
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, TechWomen builds on her vision
of “smart power” diplomacy. It embraces the full range of diplomatic tools,
in this case technology, to bring people together for greater understanding
and empower women and girls worldwide.****

** **

In September 2012, these American “TechWomen” will mentor 42 women from
Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, the Palestinian Territories,
Tunisia, and Yemen during a five-week program at U.S.-based technology
companies in Silicon Valley and the greater San Francisco Bay Area.  This
video <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrjcaFmgw64> of last year’s program
is a quick way to learn more about serving as a TechWomen mentor.****

** **

Following the U.S. portion of the exchange, U.S. mentors will travel to
Jordan and Tunisia to conduct workshops and follow-on training for women in
the technology sector and young girls who have expressed an interest in
pursuing a tech-based career.****

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Stay tuned for updates on Twitter @TechWomen.****

** **

Sincerely, ****


** **

Ann Stock****

Assistant Secretary****

Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs****

2200 C Street, NW; SA-5****

Washington, D.C. 20522****


[image: cid:image002.png at 01CB9C75.85823200]Follow me on Twitter at
@AnnatState <http://twitter.com/annatstate>****

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This email is UNCLASSIFIED. ****

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Lina Srivastava
linasrivastava.com  |  twitter <http://twitter.com/lksriv>  |
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