[liberationtech] Stanford university guest talk and film screening of 'No News From Harare'

Wendy Dent wendy at wendydent.com
Thu Mar 1 16:36:20 PST 2012


I am an Australian documentary filmmaker,  and founder of
www.humanrightsonfilm.com, visiting California at the moment for a few
speaking engagements at UC Berkeley, Stanford University and USC Film
School.  Reading today on the Stanford website about local human rights and
film organisations, I was very interested to learn about your program and
have some 'liberation technology'-related ideas and projects that may be of
interest to you also...

I will be guest speaking at Stanford University together with a screening
of my human rights doc 'No News From Harare' (filmed undercover in
Zimbabwe), as a special event co-presented by the Stanford University
Program on Human Rights and the Stanford University Center for African
Studies, next Wednesday evening 7 March from 7-9pm.  Dinner will also be

You are warmly invited to attend.

Further details;

It would be great to meet you there, or to connect with you whilst I'm in
the Bay area,


Wendy Dent

Writer / Director/  Producer

Founder/ Editor
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