[liberationtech] Radio Rakambia

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Thu Mar 15 06:23:17 PDT 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Radio Rakambia <radiorakambia at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 7:52 PM

Dear all of friends,

Radio Rakambia now make live report for preparation election start on 05 up
to of 20 March 2012 for general election President of the Republic of
Democratic Timor Leste, if you want to know about actual situation in all
the district about the preparation general situation you just listens to
the Frequency of the Radio Rakambia is FM 99,5 Mhz, time is; start on 09.00
morning until 19.00 night all the days. All the news updating by the
corespondents of community Radio in 12 district, Radio Rakambia will be
interview directly to the focal point representative of STAE in the
district, National police in the district, chief of the village (Suco), and
administrator of the district.

If you need more any information about our news broadcasting in Radio
Rakambia please call to me; +670 7243674 or by email;
radiorakambia at gmail.com

Best regards

Eurico Pereira
Radio Rakambia
East Timor
Hand Phone; +670 7243674
Street Kampung Alor Dili
E-mail; radiorakambia at gmail.com
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