[liberationtech] Telecomix Broadcast System

Griffin Boyce griffinboyce at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 07:56:22 PST 2012

Great job Okhin!

  There is a real wealth of videos from Syria and the Arab Spring, and I'm
happy that you've put this together to showcase so many of them. It's also
really well organized.

~Griffin Boyce

On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 4:04 AM, Okhin <okhin at okhin.fr> wrote:

> Ohai fellow internauts,
> Telecomix has gathered one year of revolution in Syria, getting videos
> and news from the ground, trying to check them, date them and order
> them by place.
> They've been put in only one place (and transcoded in .ogv because it's
> free as in freedom) here: http://tbs.okhin.fr
> There's One year of amazing bravery and insane massacre. Some videos
> are tough and I'll advise you not to watch it near anyone that can be
> easily offended by crude cruelty.
> Besides that, it's ordered by date (one page per date), with some tags
> system (more or less efficient, it needs insane spellcheck) and I hope
> you'll find all the information you can need about the Syrian uprising.
> --
> Okhin
> Disclaimer: yeah, I'm the one who done the portal and it's been almost
> a year I hang on telecomix opsyria.
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