[liberationtech] About syria and western intervention

Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) lists at infosecurity.ch
Thu Mar 15 10:21:20 PDT 2012

On 3/15/12 5:08 PM, Eric S Johnson wrote:
> Fabio, you ask good questions. The short answer is “the goals of western
> rights-promoting groups, and of many western governments, are aligned.”
> But, more generally, are you calling into question the validity of
> ·        what basic human rights are?
> ·        all reputable international rights organisations’ assessment of
> the facts on the ground?
> If you’re not, how can you even ask questions like “is the Assad regime
> really bad?”?

That's one of the point, how can we judge not being syrian citizen?

Have you the right to judge some other country and cultural system?

I'm making an anarchic statement there.

We have no right to influence syrian ppl and syrian government.

We have no proof that we are helping "who represent the syrian ppl" (in
the sense of a common understand of majority of ppl).

Anyone there seems 100% perfectly convinced that is acting for the good
and that the result of our actions will bring good results.

But supporting revolts means also causing other deaths.

So are we in support of peace or in support of fight?

Are we in support of human rights or in support of stimulating actions
against human rights?

Because it sees like in many situation very often people get kidnapped
by the "general hype".

*Everyone against Assad*
- Saudi is against Assad for political and religious reason (sunni)
- Qatar is against Assad for political and religious reason (sunni)
- Turkey is against Assad for political and religious reason (sunni)
- Al-Qeida is against Assad for religious reason (sunni)
- US and the West is against Assad for many political reason (Iran/Russia)

*Iran and Russia Pro-Assad*
- Iran is Pro-Assad for political reason
- Syria is Pro-Assad for political reason

The real question is, are there anyone that care about Syrian ppl?

Isn't just Syria a proxy-war full foreign-led?

Do we like to think what would happen to Syrian ppl with a Muslim
Brotherhood lead opposition at the Government?

So against i do not understand if "western activists" supporting Syrian
ppl are:
- in support of peace
- in support of fight

Because when in support of fight, i do not really see how they are
helping improving "human rights".

> And if that’s not what you’re asking, what *are* you asking? “One
> government shouldn’t meddle in another government’s sovereignty” … Um,
> Germany 1942, Bosnia 1991, Rwanda 1993, etc. etc. … ?

- Germany 1942: Ethnic genocide
- Bosnia 1991: Ethnic genocide
- Rwanda 1993: Ethnic genocide

I see no Ethnic genocide in Syria, that's an international political
issue imho.

However all my discussion doesn't want to bring to a specific conclusion.

But at least make us thinking that by supporting someone else revolt
does not necessarily means supporting human rights.


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