[liberationtech] Fruits of this morning's labors: a sequence...
Yishay Mor (Google+)
noreply-c5e3c718 at plus.google.com
Tue Mar 27 17:06:13 PDT 2012
Yishay Mor shared Jay Ulfelder's post with you.
Jay Ulfelder's post:
"Fruits of this morning's labors: a sequence of maps showing the annual
incidence and prevalence of mass-killing episodes around the world from
1960 to 2010. Done in R with the 'rworldmap' package. The event data are
from a separate R script that puts Ben Valentino's published list of mass
killing episodes into country-year tabular format. Now if I could just get
those missing countries to match up to the names in my data set..."
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