[liberationtech] Participate in Google Summer of Code 2012

Mitar mmitar at gmail.com
Sat Mar 31 08:37:29 PDT 2012


This year wlan slovenija is again participating in Google Summer of
Code (https://google-melange.appspot.com/). If you are a student and
you search for programming summer work for this summer, you can apply
to work on wlan slovenija's projects and get $5000 for successful

wlan slovenija is a open wireless network initiative from Slovenija,
building a common, open and independent network for everybody. It is
participating under Freifunk umbrella so you have to formally apply
there. Prepare proposal of your contribution and submit it until 6th
April. We suggest that you submit the proposal draft immediately and
then work on improving it until the deadline. In this way you will be
in the system soon and will not miss the deadline. Furthermore,
mentors will be able to comment and work with you through the system
on your proposal.

Required knowledge for participation varies and depends on what you
propose, but it is not necessary that your proposals are big and
complex, just propose what you believe that you will manage during the
summer and what would contribute to our projects.

More about all this you can find here:


Some ideas for proposals:


And of course you can propose also something completely yours.

This is a great chance to learn more about open source, contribute to
it and also earn something along the way!


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