[liberationtech] About syria and western intervention

Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) lists at infosecurity.ch
Thu Mar 15 07:48:05 PDT 2012

Past week i've been in Qatar for work and i deeply spoke with a syrian
friend living there.

I got an interesting point of view, from a 28 year syrian person that
don't like assad but that love his country.

To make a long story short he said "Why all you western ppl, along with
this infamous country (qatar) are interfering with us? You are making
propaganda! You are arming our ppl to cause a civil war!" .

He was basically insisting on the fact that the revolt in syria are
mainly triggered and keep sustained from abroad syria and that's unfair.

It has been quite difficult for me to sustain that "ppl abroad want to
help syrian ppl".

His motivation and his concept in insisting that we (the western
countries) are the main cause of the revolt by making propaganda and by
arming local people have to be really considered.

Aren't we just part of a big manipulation of the "Democracy Export
Machinery" ?

Who really know out of the 22mln ppl living in syria what people really

We justify our action because we say that "assad" is a bad guy but what
do we really know directly, a part from being "part of a propaganda
machine", what most people think in syria?

Aren't we just part of this "big mess" of manipulation?

I don't really feel comfortable in justifying all that "proactive"
actions from western subjects (both governatives and non-governatives)
on other country.

I'm not saying what's ok and what's not ok, but for sure all that
"activism world" is working "closely" and in a "fully-alligned" way with
the western country agencies that are operating on military and foreign
intelligence actions for a political goal, that's to subvert assad

Many activists organization receive funds from budgets that 20 years ago
would had been given to CIA.

Aren't most "activits organization" playing the unconscious
crowd-sourcing of CIA operations in doing their "Psyop", their
"Propaganda", their "Tactical support" ?

In that sense i'm really scared that all of us, working on the "hype of
making a good things", very often are not making a good thing.


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