[liberationtech] Call for Proposals: Swedish Special Initiative for Democratisation and Freedom of Expression

Pernilla Näsfors Pernilla.Nasfors at sida.se
Fri Mar 9 06:17:11 PST 2012

Hello everyone,

The Government of Sweden has decided to continue the special initiative for democratisation and freedom of expression launched in 2009. The initiative aims at supporting actors for change, individuals, groups and civil society organisations working for democratisation and freedom of expression.

Please spread the word about this Call for Proposals to people you think might be interested using this link: http://bit.ly/zURpAD

Best regards,

Pernilla Näsfors


Pernilla Näsfors

Transparency & Social Media Manager
Communications Department
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)
SE-105 25 Stockholm

Phone: + 46 8 698 40 60
Mobile: + 46 702 36 96 83
E-mail: pernilla.nasfors at sida.se<mailto:pernilla.nasfors at sida.se>
Web: www.sida.se<http://www.sida.se/> & www.openaid.se<http://www.openaid.se/>
Twitter: @Sida_Stockholm<http://twitter.com/Sida_Stockholm> & @pernillan<http://twitter.com/pernillan>

[Description: Description: Description: Description: www.sida.se]<http://www.sida.se/Svenska/>

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