[liberationtech] Mapping Tech Support for Global Civil Society

Susannah Vila susannah.vila at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 08:15:44 PST 2012

Hey Lib Techers!

Wanted to share a new venture by the engine
room<https://www.theengineroom.org/?p=2497>to research, identify and
map the most helpful tech resources for civil
society around the globe. We need the input of all you experts to make sure
the final outcome is as valuable as possible - so please share what you

I've pasted a little text below in case you're inclined to forward to
others who may be interested. Also, as with everything we do,
collaboration, feedback and criticisms are more than encouraged.



*The engine room’s Social Tech Census launched this
week<https://www.theengineroom.org/?p=2497>with the goal of
identifying and mapping every organization, project, event
and community that provides technology support for social advocacy groups
worldwide. Help make sure the Social Tech Census is as good as possible
(and reflects your own experiences and work) by filling out a one page
survey. We will be accepting new entries until May 1st. Sharing the link to
the survey — bit.ly/socialtechcensus — to your personal networks is a
simple, high impact way to support this effort.*

-Susannah | Twitter/ @szvila <https://twitter.com/#!/szvila> | Google
Voice/ 347-494-0835 | the engine room <http://www.theengineroom.org>

Shouldn't it be easy to find the most helpful technology support resources
in your region? The engine room is mapping the best tech resources for
civil society around the globe: share what you know.  <http://bit.ly/ysDXPn>
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