[liberationtech] Requesting Grant/Funding related information.

Uttaran Dutta d.uttaran at gmail.com
Thu Mar 29 07:07:42 PDT 2012

Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am Uttaran Dutta, a doctoral candidate/ graduate lecturer in the Brian 
Lamb School of Communication, Purdue University. Currently, I am 
studying the knowledge systems and everyday struggles of indigenous 
communities of eastern India (with an emphasis on their communicative 
aspects). More specifically, the study is examining how the indigenous 
communities collectively identify their development needs and how they 
collaboratively formulate and design locally-situated intervention 
strategies to accomplish their development goals.
I have already completed my preliminary research; and now I am planning 
to apply for grant(s) to conduct the next phase of the research project 
i.e. to collaboratively design the contextual solutions and making 
prototypes/ models, in the villages of eastern India. I will utilize the 
financial support/ grant money primarily for purchasing equipments, raw 
materials and paying wages to local indigenous participants.
It will be of great help if you can suggest me some of the funding 
possibilities available/ allocated for conducting such studies/ projects.
Many thanks for your time and kind attention.
Best regards,
Uttaran Dutta.
p.s.- My LinkedIn public profile: 
http://www.linkedin.com/pub/uttaran-dutta/1/b6a/5b3 **
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