[liberationtech] Request: Contact Secretary of IT Ministry Pakistan

Sana Saleem sana at bolobhi.org
Mon Mar 19 19:57:41 PDT 2012

Hi all,

Thank you for the kind wishes and messages of support. We still await
confirmation from the ministry of IT, however we do feel that they will be
pressurized to either backtrack or continue to censor covertly. Therefore,
we are continuing the campaign unless we have pushed for an e-crime
legislation. Just a heads up, the pro-group (see: here) have been active
throughout our campaign and in regular contact.

We know that they will be pressuring the government to either reverse the
stance or take measures to continue censoring. The internet in Pakistan
continues to be censored and this is prime time to push for a legislation
and reversal on banned website (most of which are political and not violent)

Pasted below is a template letter, we issued to the secretary IT this
morning. I would request you to please utilize it, build pressure and get
your organization or organizations you know to contact the Ministry.   His
email address is: secretary at moitt.gov.pk

Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.

Secretary, Ministry of Information Technology
Ministry of Information Technology
Federal Government of Pakistan

Dear Mr.Farooq Ahmed Awan,

We commend your decision to withdraw censorship plans as per news reports
and confirmation from Member National Assembly, Bushra Gohar. However, it
is crucial the Ministry of IT releases an official statement withdrawing

We understand there will be pressure from other groups, in particular those
pro-actively seeking a ban on pornography, and therefore suggest a
concerted effort to push for an e-crime legislation. The only way forward
is to get all stakeholders involved and resolve the issues through

We await official confirmation and look forward to working with the
Ministry of IT to enact the appropriate legislation.


On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 9:15 PM, Sana Saleem <sana at bolobhi.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Bushra Gohar is a member of national assembly we had been coordinating
> with, she has just
> Informed me that the ministry of IT has withdrawn
> the project however, we have tweeted that we will continue the campaign
> unless we've a public statement.
> Too early to celebrate, but too excited!!
> [image: Twitter]<https://twitter.com/?from=emailheader&iid=am-70781558913321679499125933&nid=22+header&uid=15787718>
> Spoke with the secretary MOITT and he has assured me that the project has
> been withdrawn. BG
> Direct message sent by Bushra Gohar (@BushraGohar<https://twitter.com/BushraGohar?iid=am-70781558913321679499125933&nid=22+dm_sender_profile&uid=15787718&utm_content=profile>)
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> on Mar 19, 7:39 PM.
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> typed on my phone. apologies for typos.

Chief Operating Officer
Bolo Bhi
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