[liberationtech] mLearn 2012 Call for Workshops and Tutorials

Yishay Mor yishaym at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 04:43:15 PST 2012


Mobile technologies are a vibrantly developing and constantly create new
challenges for education and learning in a wide range of contexts and
settings. In conjunction with the 11th International Conference on Mobile
and Contextual Learning (mLearn 2012) in Helsinki, Finland there is the
unique opportunity for holding a limited number of scientific workshops and
practice-oriented tutorials on mobile and contextual learning.  This
provides a forum for special interest groups to exchange experiences and
for experts disseminate best practices in the community of mobile and
contextual learning.

Parties interested to organize a workshop are asked to submit a proposal of
max. 3 pages outlining the theme of the workshop, workshop format, expected
participants and domains addressed, dissemination activities, programme
committee, and organizational requirements.

Parties interested to organize a tutorial are asked to submit a 2-page
proposal that outlines the tutorial’s objectives, the target audience, and
the format.

Both workshops and tutorials are organized as half- or full-day events on
the day before the conference. Submissions for workshops and tutorials need
to indicate if they are planned for a half or a full-day time-slot.

All submissions will be evaluated and selected based on their quality and
the relation to the overall conference theme.

Workshop and tutorial organizers and participants are expected to register
with the mLearn 2012 conference. No extra charges will be applied for the


The mLearn 2012 Workshop Chairs

Christian Glahn (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland)
Yishay Mor (The Open University, UK)
Gill Clough (The Open University, UK)


Workshop Proposals: Max. 3 Pages
Tutorial Proposals: Max. 2 Pages

The full call and the submission forms are available for download at


Deadline for Submissions:               30 April 2012
Notification of acceptance:               14 May 2012
Last date of early-bird registration:    26 July 2012
Workshop and Tutorials day:          16 October 2012
Main Conference:                              17-18 October 2012

ABOUT mLearn 2012

mLearn2012 is held in Helsinki, Finland, the vibrant world design capital
in 2012. In this spirit, mLearn 2012 pushes further the research and
development of learning and mobility in converging technological
environments. This includes applications of trendy devices in various
contexts, but also calls for investigating new educational and
technological ways and concepts for supporting formal and informal learning
as well as transitions between different types of learning.

mLearn was the first conference on Mobile Learning. After more than 10
years mLearn is widely recognized as one of the most prestigious
international conferences in the field. The past mLearn conferences were
held in the UK, Italy, Australia, South Africa, Canada, the USA, Malta, and

Keep updated on http://www.mlearn.org/mlearn2012/
Follow mLearn on Twitter @mlearn2012
Like mLearn on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/mlearn2012
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