[liberationtech] New Tutorial in English: "How to send fotos & videos from a Cuban cell phone" by Yoani Sánchez

diani barreto diani_de at yahoo.de
Thu Mar 8 06:40:18 PST 2012

Dear LibTech Friends,

As promised, I am sending you another Yoani Sánchez tutorial translated into English on how content from Cuba is published onto the Web without proper Internet access.  It is a rather ingenious system that works via MMS. It has drawbacks, I doubt whether most have MMS enabled phones and most can't afford the exceedingly expensive cost to send an MMS.  http://goo.gl/QD3SS
I think it is illustrative of the great effort and travails not to mention the exorbitant cost Cubans are subjected to in order to send a tweet, a picture, a video or our version of Speak to Tweet, called Hablao Sin Miedo.

I hope it will be of interest to you fine folk.


Diani Barreto

English Language Content Editor/Translator
World Children's Radio Network
Haus der Jugend
Reinickendorfer Str. 55
13347 Berlin, Germany
Tel: (030) 28041795

IPhone: +49 176 678 13 585

Email: diani.barreto at radijojo.de
Twitter: @deCespedes
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