[liberationtech] Hackerbus: First Tour Dates: Switzerland, France, Spain, Portugal

Moritz Bartl moritz at torservers.net
Sun Mar 11 05:45:15 PDT 2012

Hi Libtechs,

I was asked to keep this list updated every once in a while, and I am
happy to do so. Libtech readers are amongst the most important people I
want to reach out to. Are you a researcher working on liberation
technology in Europe? Human rights activist? Journalist focussing on
privacy? I would very much like to meet and chat with you!

Please also fill me in about related conferences and other events taking
place in Europe.


I am excited to finally announce the beginning of my tour! As a
reminder, the Hackerbus serves as a “framework” for documenting modern
forms of living and working: It carries professional equipment for high
quality movie making, taking pictures, recording interviews – whatever
you and me make out of it! There is no way for me to do this alone, and
it is unlikely to find someone to tour with me the whole year. While I
do have some ideas about what to visit, I don’t want to constrain this
tour too much, to be open for all kinds of suggestions and detours. I
hope you understand that for this reason I can only give you a very
rough schedule. Please contact me if you know people and places I should
come visit!

* from March 18th, 2012: Switzerland
* April 2012: Southern France, Spain
* May 2012: Portugal, Northern France

Some of the equipment:

* Panasonic Lumix GH2 with 14-42mm and 20mm lenses
* Rode NTG-2 shotgun microphone
* Zoom H4N audio recorder
* >10 TB storage
* last not least: a van with several spare seats and a bed

What do you get from inviting me? Many of you know me as the founder of
Torservers.net. Apart from the obvious offer to get your message out on
video, I am very interested to talk about communication security (proper
use of PGP, Tor etc), apocalyptical thinking as philosophical
discipline, and community building.

In preparation I was not as organized as I could have been, but hey –
we’re all in it for the fun! ;-) Please don’t be mad at me if you have
already contacted me and never heard back. Ping me again!

Stay tuned for more updates soon. Now is a good time to add the RSS feed
to your reader and follow me on Twitter.


Moritz Bartl

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