[liberationtech] New Posting From Yoani Sanchez How to Tweet from Cuba (Okhin)

diani barreto diani_de at yahoo.de
Mon Mar 12 07:57:07 PDT 2012

Hello All,

Just wanted to post an update by Yoani Sánchez from the last LibTech listserve Digest Volume 94, Issue 4, regarding How to Tweet from Cuba.  Yoani Sánchez sent me a message on Saturday, where she confirmed that those access numbers are from Twitter, she added in her message, that any citizen from any given country in the world, is able to make use of that number. Further, she mentioned that there are two  access numbers, the  +447624800379 number, which was originally cited in the text as well as a +3584573950042 number.  There were concerns raised about password administration security etc., which is indeed a valid source for concern, but then, one would have to ask, how secure is Twitter then, in that respect?

To Okhin, I would like to express my deepest admiration for your efforts and work on OpSyria. 

To Andrew, any news on that bridge you mentioned?  I was deeply moved by your comments on Syria.


Diani Barreto
Twitter: @deCespedes
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