April 2020 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Apr 1 01:11:05 CEST 2020
Ending: Thu Apr 30 23:52:24 CEST 2020
Messages: 181
- [liberationtech] State Actions...
Robert Mathews (OSIA)
- [liberationtech] Free online writing class for teens from NYT besting author Kelly Yang
Phil Shapiro
- [liberationtech] Resistance Labs: COVID SMS Program Incubation Grants
Steven Clift
- [liberationtech] An unprecedented wave of personal data could be heading to federal agencies
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers…
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers…
Aaron van Meerten
- [liberationtech] Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers…
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers…
Jayne Cravens
- [liberationtech] Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers…
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers…
Greg Farough
- [liberationtech] Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers…
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers…
Tim McNamara
- [liberationtech] Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers…
Aaron van Meerten
- [liberationtech] Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers…
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers…
Mariette Papic
- [liberationtech] Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers…
David Stodolsky
- [liberationtech] Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers…
rjc at privacymaverick.com
- [liberationtech] Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers…
Federico Guerrini
- [liberationtech] Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers…
Aaron van Meerten
- [liberationtech] Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers…
Jose Luis Mendoza Marquez
- [liberationtech] Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers…
Aaron van Meerten
- [liberationtech] Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers…
David Stodolsky
- [liberationtech] Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers…
Paul Gardner-Stephen
- [liberationtech] noyb.eu report on video conferencing privacy policies
Alberto Cammozzo
- [liberationtech] Fwd: OpenWatch History
- [liberationtech] Fwd: OpenWatch History
Cecilia Tanaka
- [liberationtech] OpenWatch History
- [liberationtech] OpenWatch History
Cecilia Tanaka
- [liberationtech] Fwd: OpenWatch History
Chris Ballinger
- [liberationtech] Hey LTers, could you help answer this question?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Pertinent to the list's Zoom discussion | Re: recommendations on videoconference platforms
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Video Audio Conferencing: Codecs, Crypto, Peer Modes, RF, CU-SeeMe History... [re: Zoom’s crypto]
- [liberationtech] Fwd: OpenWatch History
yiu at csend.org
- [liberationtech] The 'Vacuum-Tube' Mind-Set - Crashes Into 'A Digital Planet'
Robert Mathews (OSIA)
- [liberationtech] Sanctity of The Confessional, 'Zoom-Zoom' & Analprinting (?)
Robert Mathews (OSIA)
- [liberationtech] Pakistan Community Media Network
Phil Shapiro
- [liberationtech] OpenWatch History
David Stodolsky
- [liberationtech] Running your own secure communication service with Matrix and Jitsi
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] JOBS: Software Engineer at Azavea
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Unique wartime footage of Bletchley Park's secret MI6 communicationsstaff discovered
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Unique wartime footage of Bletchley Park's secret MI6 communicationsstaff discovered
Eric Tykwinski
- [liberationtech] Freedom is Choice, Govt Democracy is Not
- [liberationtech] Wearing a mask won’t stop facial recognition anymore
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Wearing a mask won’t stop facial recognition anymore
- [liberationtech] Company tracking spring breakers shows how scary surveillance is
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Former FB security chief Alex Stamos consulting with Zoom on securityand safety
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Former FB security chief Alex Stamos consulting with Zoom on securityand safety
Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
- [liberationtech] Former FB security chief Alex Stamos consulting with Zoom on securityand safety
- [liberationtech] Former FB security chief Alex Stamos consulting with Zoom on securityand safety
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Former FB security chief Alex Stamos consulting with Zoom on securityand safety
- [liberationtech] Former FB security chief Alex Stamos consulting with Zoom on securityand safety
Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
- [liberationtech] Former FB security chief Alex Stamos consulting with Zoom on securityand safety
Madeline Barker
- [liberationtech] Former FB security chief Alex Stamos consulting with Zoom on securityand safety
- [liberationtech] Former FB security chief Alex Stamos consulting with Zoom on securityand safety
David Stodolsky
- [liberationtech] Former FB security chief Alex Stamos consulting with Zoom on securityand safety
Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
- [liberationtech] Former FB security chief Alex Stamos consulting with Zoom on securityand safety
Madeline Barker
- [liberationtech] Former FB security chief Alex Stamos consulting with Zoom on securityand safety
Aaron van Meerten
- [liberationtech] Former FB security chief Alex Stamos consulting with Zoom on securityand safety
Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
- [liberationtech] Former FB security chief Alex Stamos consulting with Zoom on securityand safety
- [liberationtech] 👩⚕️👨⚕️📡 How to safely talk to the press about COVID-19 💼📝📰
Tim Schwartz
- [liberationtech] Kushner's team seeks national coronavirus surveillance system
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Jitsi versus Zoom
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Billions of reasons why officials should not trust Zoom
Tim McNamara
- [liberationtech] U.S. Senate tells members to avoid Zoom over data security concerns
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Billions of reasons why officials should not trust Zoom
Doug Schuler
- [liberationtech] Microsoft Teams?
Rand Strauss
- [liberationtech] Microsoft Teams?
Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
- [liberationtech] Billions of reasons why officials should not trust Zoom
Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
- [liberationtech] Billions of reasons why officials should not trust Zoom
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Billions of reasons why officials should not trust Zoom
Richard Brooks
- [liberationtech] Microsoft Teams?
- [liberationtech] Microsoft Teams?
- [liberationtech] Billions of reasons why officials should not trust Zoom
David Stodolsky
- [liberationtech] Microsoft Teams?
- [liberationtech] Messaging App Signal Threatens to Dump US Market if Anti-Encryption Bill Passes
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] [OT, but Very Useful In COVID-19 Times] Free Webinar: Be a Statistical Detective
Cecilia Tanaka
- [liberationtech] Google to release your location data to help fight coronavirus pandemic
Cecilia Tanaka
- [liberationtech] [Privacy] Snowden Warns Governments Are Using Coronavirus to Build 'the Architecture of Oppression'
Cecilia Tanaka
- [liberationtech] Google to release your location data to help fight coronavirus pandemic
WohlgemuthSven / WOHLGEMUTH,SVEN
- [liberationtech] Google to release your location data to help fight coronavirus pandemic
Greg Maxwell
- [liberationtech] Microsoft Teams?
David Stodolsky
- [liberationtech] Google to release your location data to help fight coronavirus pandemic
David Stodolsky
- [liberationtech] Fwd: OpenWatch History
- [liberationtech] Apple & Google Partner on Coronavirus Surveillance Tech
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Billions of reasons why officials should not trust Zoom
Doug Schuler
- [liberationtech] Apple & Google Partner on Coronavirus Surveillance Tech
David Stodolsky
- [liberationtech] Billions of reasons why officials should not trust Zoom
Doug Schuler
- [liberationtech] Microsoft Teams?
The Doctor [412/724/301/703/415/510]
- [liberationtech] Billions of reasons why officials should not trust Zoom
David Stodolsky
- [liberationtech] [hackerspaces] Google to release your location data to help fight coronavirus pandemic
Cecilia Tanaka
- [liberationtech] COVID-19 >> Loathing In The "Fearful" States of America.....
Robert Mathews (OSIA)
- [liberationtech] Content and volunteers needed for COVID-19 evidence platform
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] How Liberationtech Ovio is fighting the pandemic
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Have Any Color You Want, So Long As It is Grey!
Robert Mathews (OSIA)
- [liberationtech] Far-Right Extremists Helped Create The World's Most Powerful Facial Recognition Technology
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Far-Right Extremists Helped Create The World's Most Powerful Facial Recognition Technology
- [liberationtech] Fwd: How are mobile carriers/Google/Apple helping track Covid19? Hey South Korea!
Bill Cox
- [liberationtech] Fwd: How are mobile carriers/Google/Apple helping track Covid19? Hey South Korea!
Steven Clift
- [liberationtech] Fwd: The United Nations Development Programme COVID-19 Contest Announcement
Cecilia Tanaka
- [liberationtech] Humor >> Zoom.. Zoom...
Robert Mathews (OSIA)
- [liberationtech] Safe... Safe... Safe... "Safe Cities"..
Robert Mathews (OSIA)
- [liberationtech] Could you help our lonely 98-year-old WW2 vet neighbor regain access to his Yahoo email?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Could you help our lonely 98-year-old WW2 vet neighbor regain access to his Yahoo email?
Cecilia Tanaka
- [liberationtech] Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing (research from EPFL, ETHZ, Oxford)
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Could you help our lonely 98-year-old WW2 vet neighbor regain access to his Yahoo email?
Aymeric Vitte
- [liberationtech] Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing (research from EPFL, ETHZ, Oxford)
David Stodolsky
- [liberationtech] Free software / quarantine success stories
Greg Farough
- [liberationtech] Economic Stimulus >> 'A Tickle Turns Into A Bite'.. (COVID-19)
Robert Mathews (OSIA)
- [liberationtech] Sad news
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Sad news
Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
- [liberationtech] COVID-19 Digital Rights Tracker
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Have any of you ever used Scuttlebot?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Have any of you ever used Scuttlebot?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Have any of you ever used Scuttlebot?
Eric Tykwinski
- [liberationtech] Further, On The Subject of Tracking.... Tracing..... etc...
Robert Mathews (OSIA)
- [liberationtech] Sharing your wireless guest account
Charlie Welch
- [liberationtech] Sharing your wireless guest account
Eric Tykwinski
- [liberationtech] Have any of you ever used Scuttlebot?
Daniel Bosk
- [liberationtech] BlueJeans claims to offer secure video conferencing. Is that true?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] BlueJeans claims to offer secure video conferencing. Is that true?
- [liberationtech] BlueJeans claims to offer secure video conferencing. Is that true?
Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
- [liberationtech] BlueJeans claims to offer secure video conferencing. Is that true?
hans christian voigt
- [liberationtech] BlueJeans claims to offer secure video conferencing. Is that true?
- [liberationtech] BlueJeans claims to offer secure video conferencing. Is that true?
Lorelei Kelly
- [liberationtech] BlueJeans claims to offer secure video conferencing. Is that true?
Richard Brooks
- [liberationtech] BlueJeans claims to offer secure video conferencing. Is that true?
Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
- [liberationtech] Have any of you ever used Scuttlebot?
Eric Tykwinski
- [liberationtech] Have any of you ever used Scuttlebot?
John Ohno
- [liberationtech] Have any of you ever used Scuttlebot?
Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
- [liberationtech] BlueJeans claims to offer secure video conferencing. Is that true?
- [liberationtech] Business RELATIONS and MODELS Needing To Adjust....
Robert Mathews (OSIA)
- [liberationtech] Business RELATIONS and MODELS Needing To Adjust....
Marc Sunet
- [liberationtech] BlueJeans claims to offer secure video conferencing. Is that true?
Christian “Documentally” Payne
- [liberationtech] Secure Video Conferencing... BlueJeans, etc... Is that true?
- [liberationtech] Have any of you ever used Scuttlebot?
- [liberationtech] Have any of you ever used Scuttlebot?
John Ohno
- [liberationtech] BlueJeans claims to offer secure video conferencing. Is that true?
Lorelei Kelly
- [liberationtech] Have any of you ever used Scuttlebot?
Steve Phillips
- [liberationtech] Have any of you ever used Scuttlebot?
John Ohno
- [liberationtech] Could you recommend an attorney to help with a partnership agreement?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Extra-Ordinary Troubles & Times, Call For Extra-Ordinary 'Zooming'...
Robert Mathews (OSIA)
- [liberationtech] Have any of you ever used Scuttlebot?
- [liberationtech] MIT cuts relationship with Chinese AI firm
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Have any of you ever used Scuttlebot?
Daniel Bosk
- [liberationtech] Could you recommend an attorney to help with a partnership agreement?
Jeremy Pesner
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
Robert Mathews (OSIA)
- [liberationtech] Could you help our lonely 98-year-old WW2 vet neighbor regain access to his Yahoo email?
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
David Stodolsky
- [liberationtech] Could you help our lonely 98-year-old WW2 vet neighbor regain access to his Yahoo email?
Denver Gingerich
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
Robert Mathews (OSIA)
- [liberationtech] Could you help our lonely 98-year-old WW2 vet neighbor regain access to his Yahoo email?
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
David Stodolsky
- [liberationtech] Could you help our lonely 98-year-old WW2 vet neighbor regain access to his Yahoo email?
Denver Gingerich
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
Richard Brooks
- [liberationtech] Could you help our lonely 98-year-old WW2 vet neighbor regain access to his Yahoo email?
- [liberationtech] Could you help our lonely 98-year-old WW2 vet neighbor regain access to his Yahoo email?
Denver Gingerich
- [liberationtech] Linux Foundation identifies four virtual event platforms
Phil Shapiro
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
David Stodolsky
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
Brian Behlendorf
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
David Stodolsky
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
Marc Sunet
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
Marc Sunet
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
David Stodolsky
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
Marc Sunet
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
David Stodolsky
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
Zach Bastick
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
Marc Sunet
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
Robert Mathews (OSIA)
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
Marc Sunet
- [liberationtech] Paper being read at this week's Stanford info-sec seminar series
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
Robert Mathews (OSIA)
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
David Stodolsky
- [liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
David Stodolsky
- [liberationtech] New screencast created with OBS Studio (open source)
Phil Shapiro
- [liberationtech] The "Fog" of COVID-19
Robert Mathews (OSIA)
- [liberationtech] Could you help our lonely 98-year-old WW2 vet neighbor regain access to his Yahoo email?
- [liberationtech] Could you help our lonely 98-year-old WW2 vet neighbor regain access to his Yahoo email?
Denver Gingerich
Last message date:
Thu Apr 30 23:52:24 CEST 2020
Archived on: Fri May 1 01:06:16 CEST 2020
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).