[liberationtech] noyb.eu report on video conferencing privacy policies
Alberto Cammozzo
ac+lists at zeromx.net
Mon Apr 6 11:37:38 CEST 2020
The outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has forced many people to work
from home. Video conferencing tools and other remote means of
communication make this possible, transforming our homes into our
offices. They also help keep us connected with friends and family,
regardless of where they are.
Video conferencing tools literally open a lens into our homes. The
personal and professional spheres are increasingly merging. We phone
with our parents and children, discuss business strategy with our
colleagues, and perhaps relax with our yoga teacher after work,
following her flow in front of our screen.
While we appreciate how video conferencing tool providers facilitate all
this, the intimacy they permit calls for an equally intimate look into
their compliance with EU data protection law. We zoomed in on the
privacy policies of six tools: Zoom, Webex Meetings (Cisco), Meeting
(LogMeIn), Skype and Teams (both Microsoft), and Wire.
While the video quality of the investigated tools may often be crystal
clear, and the user interfaces well-thought out, the service providers’
privacy policies do not meet this standard. Static in the form of “may”
or “might”, “as necessary”, or “as required by law” cloud the picture.
Sometimes whole parts are missing, such as information about basic GDPR
rights. Finally, poor structure makes accessing the available
information challenging.
Video conferencing providers need to work on meeting their information
obligations under the GDPR.
Read the full
report <https://noyb.eu/sites/default/files/2020-04/noyb_-_report_on_privacy_policies_of_video_conferencing_tools_2020-04-02_0.pdf>
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