[liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.

Robert Mathews (OSIA) mathews at hawaii.edu
Thu Apr 23 03:15:20 CEST 2020

Yesterday, I wrote of *"presumably conscious"* lawmakers, in the UK. 
Today, we take notice of at least one of their U.S. counterparts, in a
similar vein.  United States Senator Josh Hawley has sent a letter to
Sundar Pichai (CEO, Google), and Tim Cook (CEO, Apple) noting "his fear"
that, their COVID-19 related contact tracing company "project could pave
the way for something much more dire."

In his letter, Hawley asks EACH CEO and other company executives to
*"[m]ake a commitment" to being "**/personally/**liable if [they] stop
protecting privacy....."     *

/Dr. Robert Mathews, D.Phil.
Principal Technologist &
//Distinguished Senior Research Scholar//
//Office of Scientific Inquiry & Applications (OSIA)//
//University of Hawai'i/
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