[liberationtech] An unprecedented wave of personal data could be heading to federal agencies

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Fri Apr 3 19:20:02 CEST 2020

The response to the coronavirus pandemic has put tech and
telecom companies in a position where they can disclose,
without individuals' consent, large amounts of data about them
to the federal government -- a fact that has privacy experts
on high alert.  The Stored Communications Act and other parts
of federal law include emergency exceptions permitting
companies' release of personal data for government
experimentation. This comes at a time when the White House is
asking for more data to track the spread of COVID-19, a
national emergency.  While this has been part of U.S. privacy
policy for about 40 years, the rapid spread of the coronavirus
could see data shared at an unprecedented scale -- "hundreds
of thousands of data points from hundreds of thousands of
individuals," said Albert Gidari, director of privacy at the
Center for Internet and Society.

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