[liberationtech] Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers…
Aaron van Meerten
aaron.van.meerten at gmail.com
Mon Apr 6 05:04:00 CEST 2020
I don’t believe the encryption/decryption is all that resource intensive in comparison to the encoding and decoding of the video and audio streams themselves.
We have a few features to try to deal with this, including audio-only mode and the ability to send lower-quality video (Low bandwidth mode)
I do know we suffer from poor performance on connections for which packet loss/packet drops are common.
However, my role in the team (DevOps) is such that I won’t be able to speak very coherently about why that is or what specifically we do to handle this situations.
If you have specific questions about those features, you can ask on our community forums here:
https://community.jitsi.org/ <https://community.jitsi.org/>
Our (fairly small) team does monitor these and tries to answer as best we can.
If you don’t get a response, feel free to ping me and I can try to poke the appropriate team member based on your question.
> On Apr 4, 2020, at 4:10 PM, Jose Luis Mendoza Marquez <jluismendoza at gmail.com> wrote:
> And this represents a very big sacrifice of resources in the connection? My problem with jitsi so far has been that it does not work very well if either end has a bad internet connection, which is more or less common in Latin America.
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> José Luis Mendoza Marquez
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> El sáb., 4 de abr. de 2020 a la(s) 14:38, Aaron van Meerten (aaron.van.meerten at gmail.com <mailto:aaron.van.meerten at gmail.com>) escribió:
> You’re correct. For p2p calls it is end to end. For non-p2p calls, the bridge decrypts from each sender in memory and re-encrypts to each receiver.
> The idea is to expand this to allow packets to also be encrypted on each client so the bridge would have no access to the content even for non-p2p calls.
> -Aaron
>> On Apr 4, 2020, at 12:22 PM, Federico Guerrini <federico.guerrini at hushmail.com <mailto:federico.guerrini at hushmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hello Aaron,
>> Forgive my ignorance, but I'm a bit confused, I thought Jitsi already had end-to-end, at least for P2P calls?
>> "Jitsi meetings can operate in 2 ways: peer-to-peer (P2P) or via the Jitsi Videobridge (JVB). This is transparent to the user. P2P mode is only used for 1-to-1 meetings. In this case, audio and video are encrypted all the way from the sender to the receiver, even if they traverse network components like TURN servers."
>> https://jitsi.org/news/security/ <https://jitsi.org/news/security/>
>> Did I get it wrong?
>> Kind regards,
>> Federico
>> On 3/4/2020 at 10:03 PM, "Aaron van Meerten" <aaron.van.meerten at gmail.com <mailto:aaron.van.meerten at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> We on the Jitsi team are working on such features. Check out https://jitsi <https://jitsi/>.org/ or our flagship deployment https://meet.jit.si/ <https://meet.jit.si/>
>> We hope to be layering on end-to-end encryption features, and would happily take community contributions.
>> Cheers,
>> -Aaron
>> On Apr 3, 2020, at 2:56 PM, Yosem Companys <ycompanys at gmail.com <mailto:ycompanys at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> Read the Intercept article in the link below.
>> Seems like we need a truly encrypted and open-source Zoom alternative.
>> Anyone interested in developing one? Email me privately.
>> And please share with your million closest friends.
>> Thank you,
>> Yosem
>> https://theintercept.com/2020/04/03/zooms-encryption-is-not-suited-for-secrets-and-has-surprising-links-to-china-researchers-discover/ <https://theintercept.com/2020/04/03/zooms-encryption-is-not-suited-for-secrets-and-has-surprising-links-to-china-researchers-discover/>
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