[liberationtech] Strength of Political Action, In The Era of COVID-19... More Theatrics & Side-Shows.
Marc Sunet
msunet at shellblade.net
Sat Apr 25 19:38:00 CEST 2020
Sorry, I still don't understand how the system you describe in that
video would work at scale, nor how it protects people's privacy.
The video makes constant references to "the location service", which
appears to track your location both outdoors (GPS?) and indoors (wifi?
What if I don't turn it on?). For cases (2) and (3) to work, my
understanding is that both person 1 and 2 need to be connected to the
same service, suggesting a central service? And you state that the
device contains an "encrypted record that is a function of their
identity". So basically, you're suggesting a central service that
identifies and tracks people everywhere they go?
I also don't see how the system would work at scale. In example (1),
rooms 1 and 2 are marked as contaminated simply because the person "was
feeling under the weather". How would this not lead to huge false
positives in practice? And how does the system protect itself from
people gaming it? What prevents me from submitting records pretending I
was "feeling under the weather" everywhere I went? The video then states
"this shows how risk avoidance operates when we have a confirmed
illness", but we have nothing. The problem with false positives is
worsened in the last example, where the third room is marked
"potentially" contaminated simply because person 2 had been in there
after being in room 2, when the other person 1 had also been in room 2
"feeling under the weather".
So far, all I see here is a surveillance system that tracks people
really well, and does everything else rather poorly.
On 4/25/20 12:46 AM, David Stodolsky wrote:
>> On 24 Apr 2020, at 22:43, msunet <msunet at shellblade.net> wrote:
>> Another one I forgot: what about asymptomatic transmission, which seems quite big on this virus? (I think recent estimates in the US give 5-20 unknown infected for every known case; forgot the reference, sorry). I don't see how the tact systems can help with that; those people might never know they are carriers.
> This issue is dealt with in my proposal:
> https://groups.io/g/MedicalEthics/message/57
> This movie shows operation of a central location service that supplies info to users that use it for local (decentral) decision making
> (illustrates the general principle of assessment of risk without a diagnostic test being required):
> https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/0704kMeGUK13pjAZXoq4hXx4w#VirusRadarSimulation3
> discussed in this document:
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_zxYlTkSnKQZXFsXzNwSDd3ZGs
> dss
> David Stodolsky, PhD Institute for Social Informatics
> Tornskadestien 2, st. th., DK-2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark
> dss at socialinformatics.org Tel./Signal: +45 3095 4070
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