[liberationtech] Content and volunteers needed for COVID-19 evidence platform

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Sun Apr 12 16:18:41 CEST 2020

From: Stelios Serghiou  <sstelios at stanford.edu>via
reproducible-science at lists.stanford.edu
Date: Sun, Apr 12, 2020 at 12:28 AM

A few friends and I are working on bringing all evidence about the coronavirus
in one place. We have built a new platform that gathers all research collected
by the WHO and creates a place where everyone can search for it, build their own
lists of interest, comment on it and ask questions. We hope that this will
become a place where researchers and clinicians alike will learn about new and
important research about COVID-19 and at the same time be able to appreciate the
evidence quickly and voice their thoughts and concerns.

We feel that much of the high quality discussions on Twitter are held within
scientific circles that many do not have access to, that many other discussions
are based on shaky evidence and that many clinicians do not have the time to dig
and appreciate what they should believe in and practice. We want to integrate
the literature with the discussion and make it as easy as possible for everyone
to access and learn from the best available evidence.

We are looking for medical students, biosciences graduate students or postdocs 
interested in volunteering some of their time to populate the platform with as
many high quality scientific comments or questions as you can. If you happen to
have any free time to devote to this effort and write
questions/opinions/thoughts about specific articles, we would LOVE to make you
part of our team and beat this crisis with appropriate evidence.
To contribute, you simply need to go to the website above, register, search for
the article of interest to you and then click on "Ask a question" or "Write an
observation". Your comment will be sent to us for moderation and will be
published as soon as possible. I have attached a sample comment that I have
written to this email. For any questions, send me an email at 
sstelios at stanford.edu.
Thanks very much in advance! Together we can make sure that we stop fighting
this virus with one hand behind our back.
Best wishes,
Guillaume, Andre, and Stelios
Stylianos Serghiou, MD, MS
Stanford University, School of Medicine
PhD Candidate in Epidemiology and Clinical Research
A community of meta-researchers:  /r/metaresearch  | @SteliosSerghiou
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