[liberationtech] Former FB security chief Alex Stamos consulting with Zoom on securityand safety

bo0od bo0od at riseup.net
Wed Apr 8 20:08:59 CEST 2020

You dont understand , there is no privacy and security while using 
proprietary software because simply no body know what is going on when 
running the app. To know it is secure and private and working as 
expected we need to check if whats claimed to be working is actually 
working through looking at the source code ofcourse.

and according to: 

"Zoom’s Chief Product Officer Oded Gal later wrote a blog post in which 
he apologized on behalf of the company “for the confusion we have caused 
by incorrectly suggesting that Zoom meetings were capable of using 
end-to-end encryption.”"

because the app grilled by the citizenlab:


So if he want to be REAL about security,privacy= first step is free 
software the app. then LATER we talk about other stuff

currently is INSECURE, Not Recommended to be used in anyway.

Use Jitsi as an alternative better free software option.

Yosem Companys:
> Agreed. How many cyber experts does FB have? How secure and private is FB?
> (Rhetorical questions.)
> This does not solve the need for a private and secure Zoom-like video
> conferencing tool. It seems to me that Jitsi and Signal are ideally 
> positioned
> to capitalize on the growing demand for such a solution.
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2020 5:40 PM, bo0od bo0od at riseup.net  wrote:
> what a stupid discussion. To make it smart one first FREE SOFTWARE THE
> APP!! then we talk about smartness , security , privacy...etc
> Zoom is PROPRIETARY based in USA.
> Yosem Companys:
>> tform and his
>> willingness to take aggressive action to get there. He asked if I 
>> would be
>> interested in helping Zoom build up its security, privacy and

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