[liberationtech] Have any of you ever used Scuttlebot?

Eric Tykwinski eric-list at truenet.com
Sun Apr 19 03:29:48 CEST 2020

IMHO, your public key is well public, so sharing is perfectly fine.  Contact tracing is absolutely available, and people should expect that.  What it provides is that personal identity would be secure with the private key secured by individual subscribers.


Eric Tykwinski
TrueNet, Inc.
P: 610-429-8300

> On Apr 18, 2020, at 9:24 PM, Yosem Companys <ycompanys at gmail.com> wrote:
> P.S. Is P2P inherently more or less secure than the alternative?
> On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 12:55 AM, Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com <mailto:ycompanys at gmail.com> wrote:
> Scuttlebot: Peer-to-peer database, identity provider, and messaging system
> Scuttlebot forms a global cryptographic social network with its peers. Each user is identified by a public key, and publishes a log of signed messages, which other users follow socially.
> Scuttlebot searches the P2P mesh for new messages and files from followed users and from FoaFs (friend of a friend's). The messages and files are stored locally, indefinitely, for applications to read.
> Identity
> Users are identified by confirmations and signals in the social graph. This is known as a Web-of-Trust. There is no global registry of usernames. Instead, users name themselves, and share petnames for each other.
> Discovery occurs by examining the social graph, or by out-of-band sharing. Applications can analyze the follow-graph, and look for "flag" messages, to determine who is trustworthy in the network.
> Pub Servers
> "Pubs" are bot-users that have public IPs. They follow users and rehost the messages to other peers, ensuring good uptime and no firewall blockage.
> Pubs have no special privileges, and are not trusted by users. However, because Scuttlebot has no DHT or NAT-traversal utilities, users must "join" a Pub to distribute their messages on the WAN.
> Scuttlebot can change Pubs, or join more than one, and sync directly over Wifi. Identity is not tied to the Pubs.
>  <https://links99.mixmaxusercontent.com/5e196044087550002eab97f3/l/L2f9r1Uv5vHC8DN5z?messageId=0LOb8Ifv8vVt4Wpzh&rn=gIUxkI&re=IyZy9mLoNWZ052bpRXYyVmYpxmLzR3cpxGQ0xmI&sc=false>	
> Secure Scuttlebutt - Scuttlebot
>  <https://links95.mixmaxusercontent.com/5e196044087550002eab97f3/l/X0yei6Cy5Cib7hyNx?messageId=0LOb8Ifv8vVt4Wpzh&rn=gIUxkI&re=IyZy9mLoNWZ052bpRXYyVmYpxmLzR3cpxGQ0xmI&sc=false>
> Each user is identified by a public key, and publishes a log of signed messages, which other users follow socially.
>  <https://links95.mixmaxusercontent.com/5e196044087550002eab97f3/l/4hMTG2cE7XFaPzFGo?messageId=0LOb8Ifv8vVt4Wpzh&rn=gIUxkI&re=IyZy9mLoNWZ052bpRXYyVmYpxmLzR3cpxGQ0xmI&sc=false>
>  <https://links96.mixmaxusercontent.com/5e196044087550002eab97f3/l/Dk74QwznM1rRBA0X5?messageId=0LOb8Ifv8vVt4Wpzh&rn=gIUxkI&re=IyZy9mLoNWZ052bpRXYyVmYpxmLzR3cpxGQ0xmI&sc=false>	 <https://mixmax.com/r/5e196044087550002eab97f3?ref=Website%20preview>
> -- 
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