[liberationtech] Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers…

David Stodolsky dss at socialinformatics.org
Sat Apr 4 10:30:39 CEST 2020

> On 3 Apr 2020, at 22:00, Aaron van Meerten <aaron.van.meerten at gmail.com> wrote:
> We on the Jitsi team are working on such features.  Check out https://jitsi <https://jitsi/>.org/ or our flagship deployment https://meet.jit.si/ <https://meet.jit.si/>
> We hope to be layering on end-to-end encryption features, and would happily take community contributions.

I sent the appended to the MyTurn developers list.
So far, no one has responded.

User info:


I have a description of how to get the demo working. One point is to use this for phones:



https://github.com/MyTurn-OpenSource <https://github.com/MyTurn-OpenSource>

is the ISI repo.


David Stodolsky, PhD                   Institute for Social Informatics
Tornskadestien 2, st. th., DK-2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark
dss at socialinformatics.org          Tel./Signal: +45 3095 4070

Begin forwarded message:

> From: David Stodolsky <dss at secureid.net>
> Subject: Zoombombing, etc.
> Date: 3 April 2020 at 17:54:01 CEST
> To: "mturn at googlegroups.com" <mturn at googlegroups.com>
> Speaker selection with available teleconferencing systems is normally clumsy and error prone.
> Now we are seeing an new problem:
> https://techcrunch.com/2020/03/17/zoombombing/
> Zoom has gotten the headlines, because they are widely used. After the Covid-19 pandemic started, they had 600,000 downloads in one week. 
> This would be a good time to make available the MyTurn capability.
> The demo has been running for a long time without showing any problems, so it would probably be safe to install it in some open source distributions. 
> Jitsi/WebRTC seems like the best choice.
> This could promote open source software and make a contribution to combating the pandemic. People are more likely to use teleconferencing, if it becomes easier to use and promotes a superior social dynamic. 
> There is going to be a vast increase in the use of teleconferencing, so something along these lines would get the MyTurn capability to a lot of people. 
> So, is anyone interested in looking into this?
> dss
> David Stodolsky, PhD                Institute for Social Informatics
> Tornskadestien 2, st. th., DK-2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark
> dss at socialinformatics.org                Tel./Viber +45 3095 4070
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