December 2012 Archives by thread
Starting: Sat Dec 1 02:31:25 PST 2012
Ending: Mon Dec 31 16:33:59 PST 2012
Messages: 402
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
dan jones
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
Julian Oliver
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
Bernard Tyers - ei8fdb
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
Asher Wolf
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
Marcin de Kaminski
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
Nadim Kobeissi
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
Asher Wolf
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
Nadim Kobeissi
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
Asher Wolf
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
Nadim Kobeissi
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
dan jones
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
Nadim Kobeissi
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
Nadim Kobeissi
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
Nadim Kobeissi
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
Nadim Kobeissi
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
Carolyn Anhalt
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
James Vasile
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
Asher Wolf
- [liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)
James Vasile
- [liberationtech] Feds Monitor Facebook "Likes, " Infiltrate Skype Chats To Build Terrorism Case
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Renesys: Syrian Internet Is Off The Air
Amin Sabeti
- [liberationtech] Iranian flagpoles for jamming?
Amin Sabeti
- [liberationtech] Internet back in Syria
Rafal Rohozinski
- [liberationtech] Psiphon is back in Syria
Rafal Rohozinski
- [liberationtech] Syria Re-connects - Secdev Flashnote (v1) 1.12.2012 12:37EST
Rafal Rohozinski
- [liberationtech] Censorship hardware - BLUECOAT IN SYIA
Rafal Rohozinski
- [liberationtech] @BaltoSpectator
Gregory Foster
- [liberationtech] X.25 in Syria?
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] Julian Assange: A Call to Cryptographic Arms
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Let's talk about ZRTP
Robert Guerra
- [liberationtech] Attention, nonprofit professionals: Would you write a short poem about your org's mission for a $10, 000 grant?
Deborah Elizabeth Finn
- [liberationtech] Sehnaoui opposes handing data to ISF
Enrique Piraces
- [liberationtech] NYT: For Syria’s Rebel Movement, Skype Is a Useful and Increasingly Dangerous Tool
frank at
- [liberationtech] Congress' Wicked Problem--obsolete and overloaded--now online
Lorelei Kelly
- [liberationtech] /. ITU Approves Deep Packet Inspection
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] The Liberationtech Daily is out! Edition of 05 December 2012
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Looking feedback on a paper regarding the shutdown of internet in Syria
Warigia Bowman
- [liberationtech] mHealth in Bangladesh
Hasib Ahsan
- [liberationtech] Announcing finalists (and soon winners) for the Access Tech Innovation Prize
Gustaf Björksten
- [liberationtech] Software engineer for healthIT in emerging markets
Jessica Vernon
- [liberationtech] UNCTAD Information Economy Report 2012: The Software Industry and Developing Countries
Fouad Bajwa
- [liberationtech] EU Parliament: Bloggers For Democracy Conference
Moritz Bartl
- [liberationtech] Important statement reg. the murder of two Darfurian students following their detention in Algzaeera state - Sudan
Sudan Changenow
- [liberationtech] FOX news on satellite-jamming flagpoles in Iran
Jillian C. York
- [liberationtech] [tahoe-dev] LAFS Weekly Dev Hangout notes, 2012-12-06
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Some reflections on Manuel Castells' book "Networks of outrage and hope. Social movements in the Internet age"
Christian Fuchs
- [liberationtech] Google is sticking to its own vision of freedom of expression - The NEWS Pakistan
Fouad Bajwa
- [liberationtech] Launching Developers for Development at Harvard!
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] CISTI'2013 Doctoral Symposium - CFP, Lisbon, June 19 - 23, 2013
- [liberationtech] Mailvelope: OpenPGP Encryption for Webmail
Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
- [liberationtech] Fwd: The Liberationtech Daily is out! Edition of 10 December 2012
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Update on SpeakSafe revisions? Re: Please help make SpeakSafe Better
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Fwd: Statement from SCN: One nation, One Struggle
Sudan Changenow
- [liberationtech] NSA security configuration guide for iOS 5 Devices
frank at
- [liberationtech] Listserve removal
Michael Zlatarich
- [liberationtech] New Satphone Safety Guide
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] US National Counterterrorism Center database
Gregory Foster
- [liberationtech] [serval-project-dev] Implementing a different routing protocol
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] SpyPhone: Pentagon Spooks Want New Tools for Mobile ‘Exploitation’
frank at
- [liberationtech] Conference Call: ESA 2013 - RN18: Communication, Crisis, Critique and Change
Christian Fuchs
- [liberationtech] CFP AMCIS 2013: The Dark Side of Social Networking -- Social and Ethical Issues
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] NSF Seeking Proposals for Interdisciplinary Research in Hazards and Disasters (HazardSEES)
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] WCIT, what happens next?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] btw, the itu imploded
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Where can I find the Twitter censorship handbook?
Uncle Zzzen
- [liberationtech] <nettime> Richard Waters: Counter-terrorism (tech)tools used to spot fraud at JPMorgan (FT)
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Op-ed—A plea to Google: Protect our e-mail privacy
Rebecca MacKinnon
- [liberationtech] Tor bridges blocked in Syria?
- [liberationtech] Social Media Combatants
Gregory Foster
- [liberationtech] Essay contest: open source technologies for arms control
Tim Maurer
- [liberationtech] Author Identification
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Forbes recommends tools for journalists
frank at
- [liberationtech] The Power of Selling Out
David Johnson
- [liberationtech] Fwd: Call for Papers and Notes - ICTD2013 in Cape Town, Dec 7-10 2013
Tapan Parikh
- [liberationtech] Online Certificate Course in Digital Organizing/Open Government
Nick Martin
- [liberationtech] engineered social control, high policing (not that kind!)
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Why we all have a stake in the Freedom of the Press Foundation
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Online journalist fatalities, deaths in combat both hit record highs
frank at
- [liberationtech] Quantum computation & communication
Gregory Foster
- [liberationtech] [drone-list] New Brookings Paper on Domestic Drones
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] was: Forbes recommends tools for journalist; is now: dep...
- [liberationtech] Skype redux
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] Asking public review on GlobaLeaks Threat Model document
Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
- [liberationtech] Namecoin: secure, anti-censorship naming system based on bitcoin
Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
- [liberationtech] In Ex-Soviet States, Russian Spy Tech Still Watches You
Ronald Deibert
- [liberationtech] Google Hangout the new, better skype? Was Re: Skype redux
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] We need an incubator for scalable, desirable user tools was: Forbes recommends tools for journalist; is now: depressing realities
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Tyler/Wikileaks
Joel Harding
- [liberationtech] Cryptocat Censored in China
Nadim Kobeissi
- [liberationtech] Call for Open Letter on Skype
Nadim Kobeissi
- [liberationtech] Fair Trial Bill - official death of Privacy in Pakistan
Nighat Dad
- [liberationtech] literature request that links piracy and hacktivism...
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Silent Circle Redux
Nadim Kobeissi
- [liberationtech] New article from the Cybernorms Research Group
Marcin de Kaminski
- [liberationtech] "Inside the Cave" of Obama's digital strategy
Gregory Foster
- [liberationtech] How secure is Bitlbee?
Uncle Zzzen
- [liberationtech] Facebook Allows You to Pay $1 to Message Anyone
Greg Norcie
- [liberationtech] co-creating a new secure friendly VOIP/IM app
sam de silva
- [liberationtech] Why Skype (real-time) is losing out to WeChat (async)
Nathan of Guardian
- [liberationtech] How Has Cryptocat Helped You in 2012?
Nadim Kobeissi
- [liberationtech] Season's Greetings & Happy New Year
Robert Guerra
- [liberationtech] Mac OS/X to reject RST and DoS
- [liberationtech] Draft checklist for choosing tools
bobalice at
- [liberationtech] Infosec FBI - cell tech query y info MX
Lisa Brownlee
- [liberationtech] Modern FIDONET for net disable countries?
Jerzy Łogiewa
- [liberationtech] Travel with notebook habit
Jerzy Łogiewa
- [liberationtech] Jacob Appelbaum's 29C3 keynote
Gregory Foster
- [liberationtech] Certificate authority and email
Jerzy Łogiewa
- [liberationtech] Any news on tahrir's development?
Ian Clarke
- [liberationtech] Petition on Stop Organ Harvesting in China - Your signature can save lives
Organ Petition
Last message date:
Mon Dec 31 16:33:59 PST 2012
Archived on: Thu Mar 16 18:50:46 PDT 2017
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).