[liberationtech] was: Forbes recommends tools for journalist; is now: depressing realities

James S. Tyre jstyre at eff.org
Thu Dec 20 09:38:05 PST 2012

> >
> > Sadly, a proprietary format that won't play well with Linux.
> The video in question is an .mp4 file.  Firefox v17.0.1 supports playing it back (or
> at least, I'm watching it right now) and I don't have any video playback plugins
> installed or running.
> The DownloadHelper Firefox add-on is merrily downloading the video to a file on my
> hard drive at this time at the same time (ue8827m7_rs04jin1_h264_298K.mp4, thus sayeth
> the uscourts.gov webserver), where it can be saved for posterity and played back in
> Microsoft's media player, VLC, or what have you.

Thanks, good to know.  I'm not a Linux user, but I was told that by one who is.  Whether
you'll thank me once you get through watching it is, however, a different matter.  But you
might enjoy playing the State Secrets Drinking Game when you watch it.


James S. Tyre
Law Offices of James S. Tyre
10736 Jefferson Blvd., #512
Culver City, CA 90230-4969
jstyre at jstyre.com
Policy Fellow, Electronic Frontier Foundation

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