[liberationtech] Modern FIDONET for net disable countries?

Miles Fidelman mfidelman at meetinghouse.net
Thu Dec 27 10:21:38 PST 2012

Jerzy Łogiewa wrote:
> Hello!
> I wonder, is some FIDONET type service existing for countries where all telecom is disabled? Kind of "sneakernet" for large packets of messages to be delivered.
> 1- I write message to [username, address or hash], encrypt with public/private pair.
> 2- Trusted "sneakernet" collector with some software physically arrives and grabs my message, updates my 'ball' (or blob?) of crypted messages, in case other sneakernet collector comes.
> 3- Maybe when delivery is 100% confirmed this gets added to ball so it can be pruned?
> And so on. Bitcoin style blockchain confirmation seems useful?
> Does any service like this existing now?
That's a rather intriguing concept, though I might look at starting from 
UUCP & NNTP, or perhaps BITNET, rather than the FIDO model - the 
software is a bit more mature, and UUCP at least is still supported.  
Mobile devices could associate themselves, via local WiFi, when in range 
of each other, and messages would just flow through normal news exchange 

Can't speak to how useful it might be.

Miles Fidelman

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In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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