[liberationtech] /. ITU Approves Deep Packet Inspection
Nicholas Judd
nick at nclarkjudd.com
Wed Dec 5 10:11:08 PST 2012
Hi list, Nick from techPresident here. If I could tap into your hive-mind intelligence for a moment to help me be more precise about explaining why this is an issue, I would appreciate it ...
Governments, intelligence organizations and assorted nogoodniks already use deep-packet inspection, so the declaration of a standard for DPI comes off as vaguely Orwellian but not news. I'm searching for a way to explain the privacy-advocate position on this is both accurately and concisely.
The sense I get from CDT's blog post is that there are three reasons why this is more than just creepy in principle:
1. The standard outlines ways that, in the ITU's view, ISPs should structure their operations so that highly invasive surveillance can function;
2. Under current governance, this standard could be as widely ignored as the <blink> tag, but ISPs could be forced to comply if the ITU becomes a must-follow standards-making body for the Internet — meaning all traffic in every ITU member state, in this extreme example, would be vulnerable by design;
3. On principle, IETF and W3C don't address standards for surveillance, highlighting another way the ITU is ideologically removed from the way the Internet is now governed.
Am I on target here?
On Dec 5, 2012, at 12:41 PM, Cynthia Wong wrote:
> The final version of the standard should show up here... eventually:
> http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/publications/Pages/latest.aspx
> http://www.itu.int/dms_pages/itu-t/rec/T-REC-RSS.xml
> -----Original Message-----
> From: liberationtech-bounces at lists.stanford.edu [mailto:liberationtech-bounces at lists.stanford.edu] On Behalf Of Asher Wolf
> Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2012 7:38 AM
> To: liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
> Subject: Re: [liberationtech] /. ITU Approves Deep Packet Inspection
> From http://committee.tta.or.kr :
> Revision of Y.2770 Requirements for #DPI in Next Generation Networks http://bit.ly/Yx0Sya (via @BetweenMyths)
> On 5/12/12 9:25 PM, Andre Rebentisch wrote:
>> Am 05.12.2012 10:27, schrieb Eugen Leitl:
>>> http://yro.slashdot.org/story/12/12/05/0115214/itu-approves-deep-pack
>>> et-inspection
>>> ITU Approves Deep Packet Inspection
>>> Posted by Soulskill on Tuesday December 04, @08:19PM
>>> from the inspect-my-encryption-all-you'd-like dept.
>>> dsinc sends this quote from Techdirt about the International
>>> Telecommunications Union's ongoing conference in Dubai that will have
>>> an effect on the internet everywhere:
>> The WCIT is a "diplomatic conference" for the rules governing the ITU,
>> the ITRs. It seems wrong to mix that with ongoing specific
>> standardisation work of the ITU.
>> Anyway, interesting discussions over at circleid.com:
>> http://www.circleid.com/posts/20121203_wcit_off_to_a_flying_start/
>> Apparently ITU fellows are disgruntled that they cannot control the
>> media coverage and complain about all the "misinformation".
>> Best,
>> André
>> --
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