[liberationtech] Update on SpeakSafe revisions? Re: Please help make SpeakSafe Better

Brian Conley brianc at smallworldnews.tv
Mon Dec 10 13:27:31 PST 2012

Hi Manisha,

Did you receive much feedback? Is there any update on this process?

I'm hoping the community chimed in. Unfortunately I did not have time in
your short period to comment. I'm currently in Kurdistan and have been
traveling quite a bit recently for some work before the holidays. I'd love
to hear what comments you received, and I'm sure the community would as

I'm looking forward to see the revisions and still happy to provide comment
as well. When I didnt' have time before your deadline, I let it slip, but I
don't believe we've heard on the list what resulted from your invitation
for comment, and it would be great to share with teh list.



On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 1:21 PM, Manisha Aryal (manisha at internews.org) <
manisha at internews.org> wrote:

> Dear friends at liberationtech:****
> ** **
> Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far to this discussion about
> SpeakSafe. ****
> ** **
> We genuinely appreciate your feedback and we’re hopeful we can continue
> the conversation with you – together or individually – to improve this
> digital safety primer. While we can’t guarantee we’ll follow every
> recommendation offered, we pledge to read and listen to your comments,
> taking a “do no harm” approach as we adjust the manual. ****
> *We’re open for input for two more weeks through November 30th.* Please
> send comments and edits to speaksafe at internews.org, referring to the
> section and page number.  ****
> * *
> Here’s what we’re doing in response to comments posted or shared directly
> so far:****
> **·         **Adding an email address for feedback on the main page so
> people can send comments to speaksafe at internews.org.****
> **·         **Putting a time-stamp on the front page to reinforce the
> message (previously limited to the Introduction) that this is not a living
> document, but includes developments until November 30, 2012.****
> **·         **Updating the Creative Commons License to allow full use of
> material in the guide. We will be using “Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0
> Unported (CC BY-NC 3.0)” ****
> **·         **Working w/ developer of the display platform we used for
> SpeakSafe to ensure it renders equally well on PCs, mobiles and tablets. If
> you spot any reproducible display issues we’d appreciate hearing about the
> browser and OS you’re using too.****
> **·         **Skype: Based on comments in this mailing list, we are
> pulling together text that draws attention to a number of attack vectors
> against the app that have been exploited: malware distribution through
> Skype; compromised versions of the application (e.g. TOM Skype in China);
> fake Skype “extensions,” as seen in Syria. We welcome additional
> suggestions.****
> Again, we thank everyone your time and expertise on this –we believe
>  privacy and digital safety skills are an essential part of journalists’
> toolkits -  and your feedback is helping us do a better job of presenting
> this sharable resource.****
> ** **
> Manisha Aryal ****
> Editor, SpeakSafe****
> --
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Brian Conley

Director, Small World News


m: 646.285.2046

Skype: brianjoelconley

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