[liberationtech] Censorship hardware - BLUECOAT IN SYIA

Ryan Gallagher ryan at rjgallagher.co.uk
Sat Dec 1 12:47:23 PST 2012

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> On 01/12/2012 19:44, Bernard Tyers wrote: I also wonder what
> happened with that Dubai distributor?

Last I heard was that, about a year ago, the US dept of commerce put
restrictions on a man called Waseem Jawad who was operating in the UAE
under the company name Info Tech. He was put on an "entity list",
designed to restrict him from receiving controlled exports from the US
in the future.

Source: http://www.bis.doc.gov/news/2011/bis_press12152011.htm

On 01/12/2012 19:44, Bernard Tyers wrote:
> And reading that article now, I wonder what ever happened to that 
> "internal investigation" Blue coat were running.
> I also wonder what happened with that Dubai distributor?
> Something tells me they're still doing business.
> Restrictions make no difference in these cases when you have one
> company who will provide a  "partner" service provider who will
> then provide a service to the persona non grata, possibly or
> possibly not with the knowledge of the original company.
> Bernard
> Connected by Motorola
> "Jillian C. York" <jilliancyork at gmail.com> wrote:
> http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203687504577001911398596328.html
>  /Blue Coat Systems 
> <http://online.wsj.com/public/quotes/main.html?type=djn&symbol=BCSI>
> Inc. of Sunnyvale, Calif., says it shipped the Internet "filtering"
> devices to Dubai late last year, believing they were destined for a
> department of the Iraqi government. However, the devices—which can
> block websites or record when people visit them—made their way to
> Syria, a country subject to strict U.S. trade embargoes. / On Sat,
> Dec 1, 2012 at 10:39 AM, Rafal Rohozinski <r.rohozinski at psiphon.ca
> <mailto:r.rohozinski at psiphon.ca>> wrote:
> This pic has just been posted on twitter.  It was picked up by the 
> Secdev Syria Operation Group. It is allegeldy a picture of
> internet censorship hardware taken inside a telecom hub (exchange)
> in Damascus,
> http://twitter.com/AmaraaBaghdad/status/274919986399703040/photo/1
> It looks like the ProxySG 9000 (
> http://www.bluecoat.com/products/proxysg)
> Rafal
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