[liberationtech] @BaltoSpectator

Douglas Lucas dal at riseup.net
Sat Dec 1 21:53:54 PST 2012

I should add that, gauging from @BaltoSpectator's tweets over the last
24 hours or so, his feelings about the detainment or commitment, and/or
the act of revealing them, may have precipitated tonight's event.

On 12/01/2012 11:49 PM, Douglas Lucas wrote:
> In the most recent post on his site, dated Dec 1 -
> http://baltimorespectator.blogspot.com/2012/12/freedom-under-fire-i-will-die-free.html
> - @BaltoSpectator claims he was detained for 40 days without charge,
> bail, or warrant, and that a lawyer and state Senator were told he
> wasn't there.
> Seeing my tweet about the above, @justin_fenton, crime reporter for the
> Baltimore Sun, said: "It was an involuntary commitment, as I recall.
> That's a whole convoluted tale that I dont have facts on"
> https://twitter.com/justin_fenton/status/275100147229278208

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