[liberationtech] @BaltoSpectator
Douglas Lucas
dal at riseup.net
Sat Dec 1 21:49:33 PST 2012
In the most recent post on his site, dated Dec 1 -
- @BaltoSpectator claims he was detained for 40 days without charge,
bail, or warrant, and that a lawyer and state Senator were told he
wasn't there.
Seeing my tweet about the above, @justin_fenton, crime reporter for the
Baltimore Sun, said: "It was an involuntary commitment, as I recall.
That's a whole convoluted tale that I dont have facts on"
On 12/01/2012 11:20 PM, Gregory Foster wrote:
> As @MTarro stated:
> http://twitter.com/MTarro/status/275097615727726593
>> Just bizarre to read the @BaltoSpectator swat situation play out on
>> Twitter. Almost like seeing IDF and Hamas tweet attacks.
> Lots to sort out here, but certainly a few things to talk about. Here's
> some loosely vetted resources to help track this event.
> Website:
> http://www.baltimorespectator.com/
> Spreaker audio broadcast from the event:
> http://www.spreaker.com/user/baltimorespectator/live_stand_off_surrounded_by_cops
> Tweets from earlier, implicated in Baltimore PD's decision to
> recalibrate force when serving a Failure To Appear warrant?
> http://storify.com/drspaulding/earlier-tweets-baltospectator
> https://twitter.com/kennethlipp/status/275089232027078657
> A Maryland State Delegate mentioned by @BaltoSpectator as potential counsel?
> http://www.msa.md.gov/msa/mdmanual/06hse/html/msa13966.html
> http://twitter.com/jillpcarter
> A fellow with a close view:
> http://twitter.com/justin_fenton
> An alleged screencap of an arrest record:
> http://twitter.com/cattyidiot/status/275097802898538496/photo/1
> Video of @BaltoSpectator being taken into custody:
> http://telly.com/5GFKL
> Ended his audio broadcast with a recording of a Ron Paul speech. As
> @MissBeaE stated:
> http://twitter.com/MissBeaE/status/275090723156660225
>> Say what you will, @BaltoSpectator #BaltimoreSpectator has reminded
>> people of the role and importance of independent radio.
> gf
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