[liberationtech] /. ITU Approves Deep Packet Inspection
Pavol Luptak
wilder at trip.sk
Tue Dec 11 14:58:40 PST 2012
On Thu, Dec 06, 2012 at 01:25:46PM +0100, Julian Oliver wrote:
> Great examples.
> I've often experienced what appears to be severe throttling of an Alice DSL
> connection (Germany) after using bittorrent, whether that be to download a Linux
> ISO or otherwise. It persists for an hour or so after the bittorrent application
> is stopped. Telling locals about it one night it appears it's quite common.
If there are enough people willing to pay for fast bittorrent downloads,
I am sure that for someone it will make sense to build a new ISP especially
for needs of these people.
[wilder at trip.sk] [http://trip.sk/wilder/] [talker: ttt.sk 5678]
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