[liberationtech] Launching Developers for Development at Harvard!

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sun Dec 9 16:47:20 PST 2012

From: Joy Ming <jming at college.harvard.edu> & Alisa Nguyen
<alisanguyen at college.harvard.edu>


We are sophomores studying computer science at Harvard starting a
similar group on campus, Developers for Development, that aims to
inspire people to apply computer science to make an impact on the

It would be awesome if any of you in the Boston area would like to
stop by our Meet and Greet next Tuesday 8-9 in Ticknor Lounge in
Boylston Hall to grab some food and learn about the community.

Even if you don't have a chance to show up physically, we hope to keep
an active email list of relevant events and opportunities. Feel free
to sign up at git.to/hd4d to stay up to date and share any relevant

If you know of any people working in the space, we would like to make
as many connections as possible. And of course, if you have any
questions, comments, or suggestions feel free to let us know!

Joy Ming and Alisa Nguyen

Developers for Development
Is your code ready to say hello to the world?
Learn how to use CS to make an impact on the world!

Meet speakers from interdisciplinary fields such as global health,
education, government, and more to learn about current initiatives,
participate in existing projects, and work on your own ideas.

No CS background is necessary!

Join us for a short meet and greet
Tuesday 12/11 8-9 PM in Ticknor Lounge.

Sign up at git.to/hd4d or email HarvardD4D at gmail.com to learn more!

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