[liberationtech] Google Hangout the new, better skype? Was Re: Skype redux

Jerzy Łogiewa jerzyma at interia.eu
Fri Dec 28 09:47:26 PST 2012

Supports, but doesn't mean uses for default!

SRTP also supports "NULL CIPHER"...

Jerzy Łogiewa -- jerzyma at interia.eu

On Dec 28, 2012, at 6:14 PM, Adam Fisk wrote:

> I sympathize with your frustration about Google and other companies'
> unwillingness to talk about their interception capabilities.  In the
> particular case of Hangouts, it seems clear that the Hangout data is
> encrypted only between the user and Google, and not end-to-end.  
> That doesn't appear to be the case, Seth. See:
> https://developers.google.com/talk/call_signaling#Encryption

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