[liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)

Asher Wolf asherwolf at cryptoparty.org
Sun Dec 2 07:07:21 PST 2012

The ideals of Cryptoparty include the protection of personal privacy.
This is why this situation is so worrying.


On 3/12/12 2:03 AM, Nadim Kobeissi wrote:
> Betrayal of the ideals of Cryptoparty? That is the very least of my
> worries. What I'm worried about is why is USAID coercing Tunisian activists
> to give up their names and personal data?!
> NK
> On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 5:00 PM, Asher Wolf <asherwolf at cryptoparty.org>wrote:
>> If there was a real name policy - regardless of whether it was a front
>> or who collected the names - it was a betrayal of the ideals of
>> Cryptoparty.
>> - Asher.
>> On 3/12/12 1:51 AM, Nadim Kobeissi wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Can anyone from OpenITP please explain to me how it is acceptable to
>> force
>>> everyone to show ID at a CryptoParty? I am *extremely* disturbed by this
>>> news, especially regarding USAID funding of OpenITP's event and regarding
>>> the notion that this was occurring in Tunisia.
>>> Was OpenITP organizing this Cryptoparty as an intelligence gathering
>>> operation?
>> --
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