[liberationtech] CryptoParty in Tunis tomorrow (Saturday, 1st December)

Nadim Kobeissi nadim at nadim.cc
Sun Dec 2 07:03:05 PST 2012

Betrayal of the ideals of Cryptoparty? That is the very least of my
worries. What I'm worried about is why is USAID coercing Tunisian activists
to give up their names and personal data?!


On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 5:00 PM, Asher Wolf <asherwolf at cryptoparty.org>wrote:

> If there was a real name policy - regardless of whether it was a front
> or who collected the names - it was a betrayal of the ideals of
> Cryptoparty.
> - Asher.
> On 3/12/12 1:51 AM, Nadim Kobeissi wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Can anyone from OpenITP please explain to me how it is acceptable to
> force
> > everyone to show ID at a CryptoParty? I am *extremely* disturbed by this
> > news, especially regarding USAID funding of OpenITP's event and regarding
> > the notion that this was occurring in Tunisia.
> >
> > Was OpenITP organizing this Cryptoparty as an intelligence gathering
> > operation?
> >
> --
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