[liberationtech] Cryptocat Censored in China

Joss Wright joss-liberationtech at pseudonymity.net
Sat Dec 22 09:04:11 PST 2012

On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 05:48:34PM +0100, Ralph Holz wrote:
> PS: While I was at it, I checked the current DNS rewriting for
> twitter.com. It still points to a Korean IP.

Some of the more fun DNS poisoning in my experiments[1] were >=15
apparently unrelated servers across China all redirecting torproject.org
to 'tonycastro.net' or 'tonycastro.com', and a separate set redirecting
to 'thepetclubfl.net'.

A New Scientist journalist wrote up that work[2] and contacted both
sites. Tony Castro[3] instantly threatened to sue everyone in sight for
implying that he was a Chinese sleeper agent. The Pet Club webmaster had
noticed the Chinese traffic and was interested to know where it had come
from. :) (I suggested setting up a few China-focused pay-per-view


[1] http://www.slideshare.net/josswright/through-a-router-darkly-remote-investigation-of-chinese-internet-f
[1b] http://www.pseudonymity.net/~joss/doc/work/presentation/2012/10/wright-censormap.pdf (Original)
[2] http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21628936.300-florida-pet-spa-mystery-link-to-chinas-great-firewall.html (Requires registration.)
[3] http://tonycastro.net/ (A life story worth Googling...)

Joss Wright | @JossWright

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