[liberationtech] FOX news on satellite-jamming flagpoles in Iran

Joanne Michele sabzbrach at gmail.com
Fri Dec 7 09:25:50 PST 2012

"Some Iranians think the electronic emissions also may be hazardous to
humans’ health."

How adorably Orientalist of Fox.

I thought the general consensus was that this is some MEK-pushed non-story.
I'm surprised they don't quote Reza Khalili.

On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 12:20 PM, Jillian C. York <jilliancyork at gmail.com>wrote:

> http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/11/30/new-flagpoles-in-iran-spark-rumors-clandestine-satellite-jamming-technology/
> Does anyone think this is a non-story?  Its only sources are unnamed
> Iranian bloggers and Austin Heap (!!)
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