[liberationtech] Modern FIDONET for net disable countries?

Griffin Boyce griffinboyce at gmail.com
Mon Dec 31 06:38:08 PST 2012

  At HOPE this summer I talked a bit about a wireless mesh concept that
would allow people to communicate without internet access or phone access.
 The real problem with a BBS is that it's trivial to take down.  In most
countries, one call to the phone company can suspend a phone number
'pending investigation.'

  Right now your best bet for the features you want would probably be Briar
[1]. If your community's needs are closer to chat and file-sharing, then
PirateBox is a promising solution [2]. (file-sharing ex: files that users
wanted everyone to have, or wanted to be published online).

  Your concept could be tricky for more than a handful of users, since
everything is manual.

[1] http://briar.sourceforge.net/
[2] http://wiki.daviddarts.com/PirateBox

Griffin Boyce

On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 3:05 PM, Peter Fein <pete at wearpants.org> wrote:

> I & some other Telecomix agents have discussed using a local Usenet (NNTP)
> for exactly this purpose a few times since Tahrir. Run it off a liveCD +
> adhoc wifi or OpenWRT, with web gateway interface (so random users can
> participate without needing to install software). Long distance backhaul by
> dialup modem or motorcycle courier w/ USB stick. Rather than trying to
> build in centralized security/identity, force everything to
> anonymity/pseudonymity (the 4chan model).
> You don't need the access to the global Internet to organize your city...
"What do you think Indians are supposed to look like?
What's the real difference between an eagle feather fan
and a pink necktie? Not much."
~Sherman Alexie

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