[liberationtech] /. ITU Approves Deep Packet Inspection
Pavol Luptak
wilder at trip.sk
Wed Dec 5 14:10:57 PST 2012
On Wed, Dec 05, 2012 at 07:27:27PM +0100, Christian Fuchs wrote:
> If this approval by the ITU is true - then it is no surprise at all,
> but what one would expect. What else has the ITU in the past ever
> been than an instrument that supports capitalist interests and
> commodification of the ICT and telecommunications industries?
> DPI can advance large-scale monitoring of citizens by the
> state-capital complex that is connected by a right-wing state
> ideology of fighting crime and terror by massive use of surveillance
> technologies and a neoliberal ideology of capitalist organisations
> that want to make a profit out of surveillance and want to hinder
> the undermining of intellectual property rights.
DPI censorship is not a 'competitive' advantage, so it's quite likely that
in a pure market society ('anarchocapitalism') without strong socialistic
governments and their stupid Internet regulations, most Internet providers WILL
NOT censor their connections, otherwise they will loose their customers. Most
customers are not willing to pay for censored Internet if they can choose
unfiltered free Internet. And the only one who can take them this right is
a monopoly for laws/regulations - the centralized government.
[wilder at trip.sk] [http://trip.sk/wilder/] [talker: ttt.sk 5678]
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