[liberationtech] Google Hangout the new, better skype? Was Re: Skype redux

Jerzy Łogiewa jerzyma at interia.eu
Sat Dec 22 07:37:06 PST 2012

Jitsi looks like promising tool, but video chat always crash my mac. Even preference for video setting!

Jerzy Łogiewa -- jerzyma at interia.eu

On Dec 21, 2012, at 8:23 PM, KheOps wrote:

> We have tried to push Jitsi forward as a replacement to Skype, notably
> with Syrian people. In the first tries we did, it appeared really not
> easy to use from Syria, mainly because of the poor bandwidth there which
> seemed to prevent video calls to work correctly and NAT issues.
> We however haven't had time to dig more in Jitsi settings, and I wonder
> if someone had a good URL for documentation/tutorial?
> Thank you :)
> KheOps

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