November 2014 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Nov 1 03:48:09 PDT 2014
Ending: Sun Nov 30 17:25:50 PST 2014
Messages: 139
- [liberationtech] Detekt
John Adams
- [liberationtech] Iranian are bypass the Twitter censorship and sanction by their mobile phones
John Adams
- [liberationtech] Documentary screening: Crowdsourced Constitution in Iceland
Tanja Aitamurto
- [liberationtech] Feedback for debate on encryption with former FBI General Counsel
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] Detekt
- [liberationtech] Stanford Liberationtech: Max Senges, Emergence of Multistakeholder Internet Governance Based on Democratic Values, on Nov 20 at 4:30 pm
Sebastian Benthall
- [liberationtech] Question EFF CA Let's Encrypt
Al Billings
- [liberationtech] 2nd call: Show Me Your Dashboard - Digital Methods Winter School 2015 - Univ. of Amsterdam
Liliana Bounegru
- [liberationtech] Tor Project website blocked by many UK ISPs as "adult content"
Griffin Boyce
- [liberationtech] Tor Project website blocked by many UK ISPs as "adult content"
Griffin Boyce
- [liberationtech] Iranian are bypass the Twitter censorship and sanction by their mobile phones
Griffin Boyce
- [liberationtech] Data from Iran shows which circumvention tools are most popular
Griffin Boyce
- [liberationtech] Question EFF CA Let's Encrypt
Richard Brooks
- [liberationtech] Question EFF CA Let's Encrypt
Richard Brooks
- [liberationtech] Detekt
Richard Brooks
- [liberationtech] Deep Web Intellectual Property Due Diligence
Lisa M. Brownlee
- [liberationtech] Deep Web Intellectual Property Due Diligence
Lisa M. Brownlee
- [liberationtech] Put Facebook's "I'm a voter" feature on your radar, 4 million and counting
Steven Clift
- [liberationtech] Live Webcast Thu Nov 6 - The Next Big Thing in Open Government - Knight Foundation/Paley Center
Steven Clift
- [liberationtech] Live Webcast Thu Nov 6 - The Next Big Thing in Open Government - Knight Foundation/Paley Center
Steven Clift
- [liberationtech] Sunlight: Introducing Today in OpenGov, our new morning newsletter
Steven Clift
- [liberationtech] Fwd: [Sunlight International] Introducing the Open Contracting Data Standard!
Steven Clift
- [liberationtech] Jobs at Aggrigator
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Stanford, Friday, Nov. 7 -- Ivan Pustogarov: Deanonymization techniques for Tor and Bitcoin
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Ford-Mozilla Open Web Fellows | Mozilla Advocacy
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Seeking Feedback for NGO Aid Map
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Feedback for debate on encryption with former FBI General Counsel
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] PhD program at Syracuse University iSchool
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Open Technology Institute Is Looking for Partners
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Stanford HCI Seminar 11/14, Shaowen Bardzell — Utopias of Participation: Working Towards Emancipatory Forms of Computing
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Tech: Problem or Solution? (Saturday at Stanford at 7pm)
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Stanford Liberationtech: Max Senges, Emergence of Multistakeholder Internet Governance Based on Democratic Values, on Nov 20 at 4:30 pm
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Right Now: Hackathon by Harvard Developers for Development
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Stanford in Government: Digital Rights Discussion with EFF | Nov19 12-1pm
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Stanford Security: Jeremiah Blocki on Usable & Secure Human Authentication (Tue Nov18)
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Stanford: Animal-Welfare Activism via Virtual Reality
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Antonio Pizzigati Prize for Software in the Public
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Stanford Documentary screening: Crowdsourced Constitution in Iceland
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Stanford LiberationTech Seminar: Tech & Fight Against Corruption in India
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Applying for an UNDEF project grant and selection process | UNDEF
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Stanford, Mon, Dec. 1 -- Joseph Bonneau: Bitcoin as a source of verifiable public randomness (working paper)
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] NFC
R. Jason Cronk
- [liberationtech] Professorships in Critical Technical Practice
Chris Csikszentmihalyi
- [liberationtech] Inside FinFisher: examining the intrusive toolset
Nighat Dad
- [liberationtech] National Conference on Digital Surveillance and Privacy Rights in Pakistan
Nighat Dad
- [liberationtech] White Paper on digital surveillance laws in Pakistan
Nighat Dad
- [liberationtech] White Paper on digital surveillance laws in Pakistan
Nighat Dad
- [liberationtech] Citizen Lab New Report
Ronald Deibert
- [liberationtech] One time pad Management system?
Scott Elcomb
- [liberationtech] Data from Iran shows which circumvention tools are most popular
Nima Fatemi
- [liberationtech] Michael Wayne on his new book "Red Kant: Aesthetics, Marxism and the Third Critique" (CAMRI Seminar, Nov 19)
Christian Fuchs
- [liberationtech] Call: 5th ICTs and Society-Conference: The Internet and Social Media at a Crossroads: Capitalism or Commonism? Perspectives for Critical Political Economy and Critical Theory.
Christian Fuchs
- [liberationtech] Tor Project website blocked by many UK ISPs as "adult content"
Nariman Gharib
- [liberationtech] Iranian are bypass the Twitter censorship and sanction by their mobile phones
Nariman Gharib
- [liberationtech] Iranian are bypass the Twitter censorship and sanction by their mobile phones
Nariman Gharib
- [liberationtech] Data from Iran shows which circumvention tools are most popular
Nariman Gharib
- [liberationtech] Data from Iran shows which circumvention tools are most popular
Nariman Gharib
- [liberationtech] Data from Iran shows which circumvention tools are most popular
Nariman Gharib
- [liberationtech] Internet filtering in the Ukraine?
Aaron Gibson
- [liberationtech] ICT and Information Security Consulting Services for NGOs/Activist/Press?
Nathan of Guardian
- [liberationtech] ICT and Information Security Consulting Services for NGOs/Activist/Press?
Nathan of Guardian
- [liberationtech] ICT and Information Security Consulting Services for NGOs/Activist/Press?
Nathan of Guardian
- [liberationtech] XMPP object encryption at IETF about to die...
Nathan of Guardian
- [liberationtech] Seeking comments - [ALPHA] List of digital security list of services, tools and resources of interest
Robert Guerra
- [liberationtech] ICT and Information Security Consulting Services for NGOs/Activist/Press?
Allen Gunn
- [liberationtech] XMPP object encryption at IETF about to die...
Joseph Lorenzo Hall
- [liberationtech] Question EFF CA Let's Encrypt
Joseph Lorenzo Hall
- [liberationtech] Detekt
Andy Isaacson
- [liberationtech] The 13th Chinese Internet Resarch Conference (CIRC)
Jiang, Min
- [liberationtech] White Paper on digital surveillance laws in Pakistan
Eric S Johnson
- [liberationtech] Inside FinFisher: examining the intrusive toolset
Marcin de Kaminski
- [liberationtech] investing in liberation tech
Maxim Kammerer
- [liberationtech] Bitcoin as a Humanitarian Finance tool
Lorelei Kelly
- [liberationtech] Tor Project website blocked by many UK ISPs as "adult content"
Arzak Khan
- [liberationtech] investing in liberation tech
Arzak Khan
- [liberationtech] Iranian are bypass the Twitter censorship and sanction by their mobile phones
Kate Krauss
- [liberationtech] Iranian are bypass the Twitter censorship and sanction by their mobile phones
Kate Krauss
- [liberationtech] investing in liberation tech
Jesse Krembs
- [liberationtech] ICT and Information Security Consulting Services for NGOs/Activist/Press?
Jesse Krembs
- [liberationtech] ICT and Information Security Consulting Services for NGOs/Activist/Press?
Jesse Krembs
- [liberationtech] Build Peace 2015 - call for speakers
Helena Puig Larrauri
- [liberationtech] Crisismappers Conference
Heather Leson
- [liberationtech] Question EFF CA Let's Encrypt
Andrew Lewis
- [liberationtech] Tor Project website blocked by many UK ISPs as "adult content"
Andrew Lewman
- [liberationtech] Web Addresses for Digital Rights Organizations?
Tim Libert
- [liberationtech] PayPal 14 speak out post-sentencing
Douglas Lucas
- [liberationtech] Online Certificate Course in Tech for Emergency Management Starts Monday...
Nick Martin
- [liberationtech] Question EFF CA Let's Encrypt
Gregory Maxwell
- [liberationtech] Fwd: Question EFF CA Let's Encrypt
Gregory Maxwell
- [liberationtech] Data from Iran shows which circumvention tools are most popular
- [liberationtech] We're having a Crypto Party! (UC Berkeley School of Information, Thursday 11/13 @ 5:30 p.m.)
Galen Panger
- [liberationtech] Data from Iran shows which circumvention tools are most popular
- [liberationtech] Tor2web support for HTTPS on .onion
Giovanni Pellerano
- [liberationtech] investing in liberation tech
J.M. Porup
- [liberationtech] investing in liberation tech
J.M. Porup
- [liberationtech] investing in liberation tech
J.M. Porup
- [liberationtech] investing in liberation tech
J.M. Porup
- [liberationtech] investing in liberation tech
J.M. Porup
- [liberationtech] investing in liberation tech
J.M. Porup
- [liberationtech] Bitcoin as a Humanitarian Finance tool
J.M. Porup
- [liberationtech] FYI: Making Connections to Facebook more Secure
Tom Ritter
- [liberationtech] Question EFF CA Let's Encrypt
Tom Ritter
- [liberationtech] Seeking comments - [ALPHA] List of digital security list of services, tools and resources of interest
Tom Ritter
- [liberationtech] Tor Project website blocked by many UK ISPs as "adult content"
Amin Sabeti
- [liberationtech] Facebook available as a Tor hidden service
Eleanor Saitta
- [liberationtech] investing in liberation tech
Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
- [liberationtech] investing in liberation tech
Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
- [liberationtech] investing in liberation tech
Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
- [liberationtech] XMPP object encryption at IETF about to die...
Doc Searls
- [liberationtech] Bloomberg exclusive: facebook ads and counterfeit goods
Andrea St
- [liberationtech] Data from Iran shows which circumvention tools are most popular
Fredrik Strömberg
- [liberationtech] Feedback for debate on encryption with former FBI General Counsel
Peter Swire
- [liberationtech] Put Facebook's "I'm a voter" feature on your radar, 4 million and counting
Andrew Thompson
- [liberationtech] Jobs at Aggrigator
Aymeric Vitte
- [liberationtech] Seeking comments - [ALPHA] List of digital security list of services, tools and resources of interest
Aymeric Vitte
- [liberationtech] Fwd: [Funlist] Thursday 11/20: People's Hearing and Rally at SF City Hall
Morgan Weiland
- [liberationtech] Facebook available as a Tor hidden service
Jonathan Wilkes
- [liberationtech] Feedback for debate on encryption with former FBI General Counsel
Jonathan Wilkes
- [liberationtech] hashcash and tcp
Jonathan Wilkes
- [liberationtech] Tor Project website blocked by many UK ISPs as "adult content"
Joss Wright
- [liberationtech] Seeking comments - [ALPHA] List of digital security list of services, tools and resources of interest
judie at
- [liberationtech] [cfabrigade] Put Facebook's "I'm a voter" feature on your radar, 4 millio...
Caractacus at
- [liberationtech] Data & Society: Call for Fellows
danah boyd
- [liberationtech] New Citizen Lab report on Hacking Team's Government Surveillance Malware
- [liberationtech] Jobs at Aggrigator
- [liberationtech] investing in liberation tech
- [liberationtech] investing in liberation tech
- [liberationtech] investing in liberation tech
- [liberationtech] Tech: Problem or Solution? (Saturday at Stanford at 7pm)
- [liberationtech] Deep Web Intellectual Property Due Diligence
- [liberationtech] Seeking comments - [ALPHA] List of digital security list of services, tools and resources of interest
- [liberationtech] Facebook available as a Tor hidden service
carlo von lynX
- [liberationtech] XMPP object encryption at IETF about to die...
carlo von lynX
- [liberationtech] state of TeleHash
carlo von lynX
- [liberationtech] self-determination considered anti-constitutional
carlo von lynX
- [liberationtech] Tech: Problem or Solution? (Saturday at Stanford at 7pm)
carlo von lynX
- [liberationtech] Tor2web support for HTTPS on .onion
carlo von lynX
- [liberationtech] Tor2web support for HTTPS on .onion
carlo von lynX
- [liberationtech] Applying for an UNDEF project grant and selection process | UNDEF
pimienta at
Last message date:
Sun Nov 30 17:25:50 PST 2014
Archived on: Thu Mar 16 18:51:18 PDT 2017
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).