[liberationtech] PhD program at Syracuse University iSchool

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Mon Nov 10 09:23:08 PST 2014

From: Jeff Hemsley <jeff.hemsley at gmail.com>

Syracuse University's School of Information Studies welcomes applicants for 
our doctoral program. Admitted students are assured of at least four year's 
funding (including summers) along with tuition and other support.


The interdisciplinary nature of our program is visible through the 
backgrounds of the 40 students currently pursuing their Ph.D.  Students 
hail from ten countries and a range of academic backgrounds:  communications 
and other social sciences, business, computer science, library science, 
information science, and others.   This makes our doctoral program a 
welcoming and inclusive place for scholars from under-represented 
populations, something we see as a defining element of our program.


Doctoral students pursue individualized course plans that are tuned to 
their particular research interests and needs.  This means advising and, 
more importantly, close working relationships with faculty members is a 
cornerstone of the Syracuse University iSchool Ph.D. program. This is why 
it is both residential and full-time.


We celebrate the success of our recent graduates who are taking up 
tenure-track positions in premier research institutions and exceptional 
liberal arts colleges, excelling in academic and policy think tanks, and 
pursuing entrepreneurial success! Current students are earning awards for 
their publications and dissertation work, continuing a long tradition of 
such recognition.


For 2015, we are particularly interested in speaking with applicants and 
seeing applications from those whose interests align with one or more of 
the following research areas:


Text and data mining, Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval 
| Data science and data analytics | Information policy, Internet 
governance, and telecommunications policy | Information technology policy 
and globalization | Mobile computing | Librarianship | Usability, 
accessibility, and universal design | Data infrastructure and services in 
support of research Organizational impacts of ICTs (e.g., Citizen Science, 
FLOSS, Wikipedia, mobile work, distributed scientific collaboration, health 
IT) | Digitally-enabled research methods (e.g., Trace ethnography, 
socio-computational approaches) | Smart grids/energy informatics and 
Infrastructure studies | Information security and privacy (policies, 
management, and technologies) | Social Computing, social media, social 
networks, and crowdsourcing


You can learn more about the Syracuse iSchool faculty and interests at 


You can learn more about the doctoral program and application (due 3 
January, 2014) at http://ischool.syr.edu/future/doctoral/index.aspx.


Please reach out to the program director, Steve Sawyer, at ssawyer at syr.edu, 
or our doctoral programs manager, Jennifer Barclay, at jabarcla at syr.edu, 
with questions!

Jeff Hemsley
Assistant Professor
School of Information Studies
Syracuse University
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