[liberationtech] ICT and Information Security Consulting Services for NGOs/Activist/Press?

Jesse Krembs jessekrembs at gmail.com
Mon Nov 10 09:35:01 PST 2014

Dear all

For a number of years now I've been ponderer the idea of ICT/IS consultancy
organization focus on the NGO/Activists/Press  (N/A/P) markets. The basic
idea being that there should be a boutique consultancy group that is
focused on upping the over all ICT/IS game of N/A/P world.
There are some organizations out there doing this to certain degree,
(Securing Change, SecDev Group, ONI, Tactical Tech Collective). But it
feels like many are focused similar but different targets, or not
sufficiently funded. And funding is the most key thing I believe.
I don't see a standard fee for service model working in this market (There
just isn't the money inside a client organization), so something else will
be needed.

So a couple of questions.
1: Is there already someone doing this?
2: Is there a market for this sort of organization?
3: How do you make the funding work?

Any thoughts on the matter either on list or off would be appreciated.

Thank you.
Jesse Krembs
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