[liberationtech] Data from Iran shows which circumvention tools are most popular

Griffin Boyce griffin at cryptolab.net
Fri Nov 28 08:47:47 PST 2014

Nariman Gharib wrote:
> Thank you.
> The stats size is based on Download request which I received through
> AWS which is something around 290,000 from 14Nov to 28Nov.
> Subscribers: 84K
> N

   Whoa! That's really great :D  That's a *ton* of people downloading.[1] 
  It's really interesting to see what the composition of downloads is as 
well.  Thanks for creating and maintaining this.

   Do you need/take donations for this project?


[1] for comparison, downloads through Satori have been around 82k from 
AWS since March.

"The apparent safety of modern life is just a shallow skin atop
an ocean of blood, guts and bricked devices."
~Pearce Delphin

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