[liberationtech] Stanford, Friday, Nov. 7 -- Ivan Pustogarov: Deanonymization techniques for Tor and Bitcoin

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Thu Nov 6 19:05:12 PST 2014

From: Joe Zimmerman <jzim at cs.stanford.edu>

       Deanonymization techniques for Tor and Bitcoin

                      Ivan Pustogarov

                  Friday, November 7, 2014
                       Talk at 3:30pm
                         Gates 463A


Buying online while staying anonymous is hard. Selling something online
hiding your identity and physical location from clients is even harder.
are two reasons for this. First, Internet communications are traceable.
conventional online payment system (as credit cards or PayPal) are normally
tied to the holder's identity. The most common solutions are: Tor Hidden
Services for anonymous communications and Bitcoin for payments.

In this paper we summarise our recent results on deanonymising operators
and clients of Tor hidden services and Bitcoin wallet owners.

First we describe a method to opportunistically reveal IP addresses
of Tor Hidden Service operators and estimate the costs for targeted
deanonymization. Second we show how to deanonymise clients of Tor Hidden
Services. The success rate depends on the popularity of the hidden service.
applied our finding to find IP addresses of Mevade infected computers.
we present a method for revealing IP addresses of Bitcoin wallet owners with
success rate between 11% and 60%. This method requires an attacker to run
about 50 servers and costs less than 2000 USD per month. Moreover we show
how to fingerprint and link different Bitcoin addresses of a user even if
the user is behind a VPN.
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